It is OCTOBER! We are finally getting into the seasons I LOVE! Just a little over a month and I will be decorating for CHRISTMAS! Yay! My dad and I love this time of year, we have a "Griswold" gene that we inherited from my Grandma Emma. We love everything about the Christmas season!
Anyways, I took this past weekend to get my Halloween stuff up. I still need to get some pumpkins and get my pumpkin that lights up out and my doormat. Here is what I have done so far.
I think Im going to put more candy corn in the hurricanes. They dont look full enough in my opinion.
For Tasty Tuesday last week Jess made dove wrapped in bacon and back strap on his new grill! It was so good!
This weekend I am going home to spend some time with my friends and family. I am super excited because my mom and I are going to pick up our Embroidery machine and I get to bring back to my house! I cant wait to start embroidering EVERYTHING!
Hopefully The Burlap Barn website will be up soon. We are almost done getting the merchandise ready. I hope yall are having a great week!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Burlap Barn! |
I would apologize for not posting in like 10 DAYS but Im sure yall could care less! Anywho, I have been so busy this week and I want to finally share with yall why!
My mom and I have been getting stuff together for a while now to start our own business. Fortunately for me my mother has a knack for interior decorating and antiques and I just love them as well. Most of my life I thought this was a curse because I always wanted to fix things up and decorate this or decorate that but we have turned this curse into a business and Im so excited! I really hope that it takes off! We will be selling antiques that we have re-done and different interior type things. I just love to this kind of stuff and really feel like it is something I was meant to do.
Thank goodness for my mom, I wouldnt be able to do this without her! I am scared but if it doesnt work out at least we gave it a try! Our business was originally going to be called Mellie Todd's Treasures, but we decided to go with something more catchy that people could remember. So.....we decided on The Burlap Barn. My mom, dad, Jess and myself went over it and that sounded the best to us! Hopefully customers gravitate to the name and we get some buyers! Once our website is up and at it I will let yall know!
Im going to go now, I have to get things ready for tomorrow! I hope yall had a great weekend!
My mom and I have been getting stuff together for a while now to start our own business. Fortunately for me my mother has a knack for interior decorating and antiques and I just love them as well. Most of my life I thought this was a curse because I always wanted to fix things up and decorate this or decorate that but we have turned this curse into a business and Im so excited! I really hope that it takes off! We will be selling antiques that we have re-done and different interior type things. I just love to this kind of stuff and really feel like it is something I was meant to do.
Thank goodness for my mom, I wouldnt be able to do this without her! I am scared but if it doesnt work out at least we gave it a try! Our business was originally going to be called Mellie Todd's Treasures, but we decided to go with something more catchy that people could remember. So.....we decided on The Burlap Barn. My mom, dad, Jess and myself went over it and that sounded the best to us! Hopefully customers gravitate to the name and we get some buyers! Once our website is up and at it I will let yall know!
Im going to go now, I have to get things ready for tomorrow! I hope yall had a great weekend!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
What I've Done this week.... |
We have been home for exactly 10 days now. The first few days we were home consisted of un-packing and getting settled. Once all of our stuff was put away and felt fairly in order I had to hit the books. This semester is going to be a very busy one. 4 classes is a total beat down, let me tell you! If Im not working on one class or another I still have 2 others to be working on. Hopefully I can maintain organization and get a 4.0 this semester. I really really hope I can!
Our weekend was very low key, Friday night we ordered pizza and then Saturday night we watched football. Sunday I had my long run to get in and after that I worked on a paper all day. That evening Jess cooked steaks out on Tom and Kim's grill and they were so good! The weekend was just what we needed to recover from the season.
Monday Jess hit the trot line and got us some catfish! I baked some of them that night and served them cajun style with some boiled shrimp and red potatoes. Tuesday I hit the crock pot and made a roast. I found this new website that I love that is called "Skinny Crock Pot". It has all kinds of recipes that you make only in a crock pot and are completely healthy. The roast came out delicious and Ive decided to make one recipe a week off of that website. Dont worry though my number 1 go to is still The Pioneer Woman I just wanted to branch out a bit. Last night was our 22 month anniversary (which I know last month I said it was our 22 month anny but Jess and I miscalculated). We celebrated by eating one of our faves, Sushi! We had to go to Longview for it but it is completely worth the drive and the money! Its sooooo delicious!
Today we are spending the day getting ready for us both to head out tomorrow. Jess is heading out West and I am heading to Ennis. My cousin's little girl's 2nd Birthday party is on Sunday and I havent seen my family in a while so I will be spending the weekend with them.
I hope all of you have had a great week! Talk to you soon!
Our weekend was very low key, Friday night we ordered pizza and then Saturday night we watched football. Sunday I had my long run to get in and after that I worked on a paper all day. That evening Jess cooked steaks out on Tom and Kim's grill and they were so good! The weekend was just what we needed to recover from the season.
Monday Jess hit the trot line and got us some catfish! I baked some of them that night and served them cajun style with some boiled shrimp and red potatoes. Tuesday I hit the crock pot and made a roast. I found this new website that I love that is called "Skinny Crock Pot". It has all kinds of recipes that you make only in a crock pot and are completely healthy. The roast came out delicious and Ive decided to make one recipe a week off of that website. Dont worry though my number 1 go to is still The Pioneer Woman I just wanted to branch out a bit. Last night was our 22 month anniversary (which I know last month I said it was our 22 month anny but Jess and I miscalculated). We celebrated by eating one of our faves, Sushi! We had to go to Longview for it but it is completely worth the drive and the money! Its sooooo delicious!
Today we are spending the day getting ready for us both to head out tomorrow. Jess is heading out West and I am heading to Ennis. My cousin's little girl's 2nd Birthday party is on Sunday and I havent seen my family in a while so I will be spending the weekend with them.
I hope all of you have had a great week! Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
End of Season Wrap-Up! |
And Im back! Sorry for the stint of absence but I just have been so busy wrapping the season up. School has started again for me and we have been on the road until this past week so I put the blogging on hold until I could truly give the time needed to post something worthy of your reading time.
Things that have happened during my absence are as follows: We were in Nashville for 5 days on the last road trip which was nice. I really like Nashville and it was nice to end the season of road trips there. I had to start training for my half marathon while we were there and it was perfect because they had a trail that you could run at right across from the hotel. I ended up injuring myself there and have gotten set back on my training schedule but hope to start back up tomorrow. My grandpa retired from his job in Dallas that he has had for well I dont know the exact years but its completely worth bragging about and Im proud of him and for him. I started school and have been swamped so Im already ready for December! Lol. Jess ended his regular season Monday and we drove home from Memphis that night. It was very nice to sleep in our own bed, something I miss but I wouldnt trade my life for a normal one under any condition.
As I sat at the game before the very last one of the season Nick Stavinoha hit a double to break a record league wise in the MiLB. As he stood on second and took his batting helmet off to wave to the crowd that was giving him a standing ovation the thought of his daughter came to my mind. I wondered if his daughter and future kids would ever know how great he was. The thought of my kids then came into my mind. I too wondered if my kids would ever know how great their daddy was at this game. My eyes filled with tears because the thought of my kids not knowing how great Jess is at this game broke my heart. The significance of him striking out A-Rod with the bases loaded in Progressive Field in July of 2010 meaning nothing to my kids left a pit feeling in my stomach. How could they possibly know if my friends and some family members dont even realize how great Jess is at this game. To most everyone, excluding our family baseball is just one of America's favorite past times. Its just something to watch on the tv for 8 months out of the year until football starts back up. What this game has given my husband and how it makes him feel noone will ever know. I probably dont even know how much this game has impacted him. This sport has impacted his life and our life together and that alone has baseball holding a special place in my heart forever.
As this season wrapped up I know my husband wasnt happy with the overall outcome. We moved 3 times in 1 month. He was on the roster of 3 different teams during that month. So lets just say that that month was long and HARD. When I look at him I cannot explain to you what it is that I see. Through my eyes I see a man who was broken down but built himself right back up. He is so strong and I respect him so much for how he never gave up when it was so easy to. I believe in him and will always stand behind him in the seasons to come. I know this is just the beginning of Jess' career. This season may not have been his favorite but I know there are many many many more to come and he will shine like he was meant to when its his time.
The work week is almost over! I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day!
Things that have happened during my absence are as follows: We were in Nashville for 5 days on the last road trip which was nice. I really like Nashville and it was nice to end the season of road trips there. I had to start training for my half marathon while we were there and it was perfect because they had a trail that you could run at right across from the hotel. I ended up injuring myself there and have gotten set back on my training schedule but hope to start back up tomorrow. My grandpa retired from his job in Dallas that he has had for well I dont know the exact years but its completely worth bragging about and Im proud of him and for him. I started school and have been swamped so Im already ready for December! Lol. Jess ended his regular season Monday and we drove home from Memphis that night. It was very nice to sleep in our own bed, something I miss but I wouldnt trade my life for a normal one under any condition.
As I sat at the game before the very last one of the season Nick Stavinoha hit a double to break a record league wise in the MiLB. As he stood on second and took his batting helmet off to wave to the crowd that was giving him a standing ovation the thought of his daughter came to my mind. I wondered if his daughter and future kids would ever know how great he was. The thought of my kids then came into my mind. I too wondered if my kids would ever know how great their daddy was at this game. My eyes filled with tears because the thought of my kids not knowing how great Jess is at this game broke my heart. The significance of him striking out A-Rod with the bases loaded in Progressive Field in July of 2010 meaning nothing to my kids left a pit feeling in my stomach. How could they possibly know if my friends and some family members dont even realize how great Jess is at this game. To most everyone, excluding our family baseball is just one of America's favorite past times. Its just something to watch on the tv for 8 months out of the year until football starts back up. What this game has given my husband and how it makes him feel noone will ever know. I probably dont even know how much this game has impacted him. This sport has impacted his life and our life together and that alone has baseball holding a special place in my heart forever.
As this season wrapped up I know my husband wasnt happy with the overall outcome. We moved 3 times in 1 month. He was on the roster of 3 different teams during that month. So lets just say that that month was long and HARD. When I look at him I cannot explain to you what it is that I see. Through my eyes I see a man who was broken down but built himself right back up. He is so strong and I respect him so much for how he never gave up when it was so easy to. I believe in him and will always stand behind him in the seasons to come. I know this is just the beginning of Jess' career. This season may not have been his favorite but I know there are many many many more to come and he will shine like he was meant to when its his time.
The work week is almost over! I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Happy Anniversary! |
I just want to say Happy 22 month anniversary to my sweet husband! I love you so much!
Jess' team wore PINK jerseys at there game tonight. I found it fitting to wear pink and have our picture taken. Especially since I havent gotten a chance to get one of us in a Memphis uniform. Of course Jess loves taking pictures in front of his friends :)
Last week while Jess was on his 8 day road trip me and my family went to the Alabama Gulf Coast. It was absolutely amazing! We relaxed and had a wonderful time. My parents are workoholics so it was so nice for me to see them relax and get some sun. The beach we went to was called Orange Beach and I look forward to going back next year! I will post the family pictures we took later after I get them from my mom.
I have been completely wrapped up in reading The Help. It is such a great book I can hardly put it down! Since Jess has been back it has been so hard to read it but Im almost done! Only 8 chapters to go! Speaking of....Im going to read it right now!
I hope yall have a great week! We love and miss yall dearly!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sister, Sister! |
This week has been a fun one so far! My sister returned from Round Rock with me and we have been having a great week! We still have so much fun stuff planned and I cant wait to do it! Jess was here for 4 days but left this morning at 4am to go out to the West Coast for 4 days then on to Colorado for another 4 days. My parents come into town late Thursday night and we will head to the Alabama Coast for a couple of days! Im so excited to get some beach time in!
I am excited to see my parents but part of me just wants to spend time with my sister. She is really growing up and it kind of breaks my heart a little bit. She is becoming more aware of things and turning into a young lady. I know that this is what happens but I cant help but to be sad about it. Growing up she has had so many struggles and I just want to protect her from all of the ones she is going to endure in the coming years of growing up and turning into a college student. Even though she is 5 years younger than me she has taught me and still teaching me so much about life. She has so much color and thrive for life, I admire her so much for that because the situations she has been thru are so trying and would get me down and out in a heart beat. I wish I could see life thru her eyes, she sees things so differently. There are so many things I want to tell her and wish she could know and I hope one day I can tell her. Until then I will say this....
Dear Em,
The past couple of days we have spent together have been great. You are fun, witty and totally underestimated. Those girls at your school have no idea what they are missing out on and if I were them I would be lining up to be your friend. You are so strong and even though I am older than you I admire you and wish I could be more like you. I know I have given you a hard time about things or been the "mean" big sister but if I could take it all back I would. You mean the world to me and the respect I have for you cannot be measured. I love you with all of my heart and know you are going to do great, huge, wonderful things in your life. You have already changed mine for the better and being able to watch you continue to grow up is going to be one of the greatest things in my life.
I love you,
I hope yall are having a great week so far! Only a couple more days until the weekend! We love and miss yall!
I am excited to see my parents but part of me just wants to spend time with my sister. She is really growing up and it kind of breaks my heart a little bit. She is becoming more aware of things and turning into a young lady. I know that this is what happens but I cant help but to be sad about it. Growing up she has had so many struggles and I just want to protect her from all of the ones she is going to endure in the coming years of growing up and turning into a college student. Even though she is 5 years younger than me she has taught me and still teaching me so much about life. She has so much color and thrive for life, I admire her so much for that because the situations she has been thru are so trying and would get me down and out in a heart beat. I wish I could see life thru her eyes, she sees things so differently. There are so many things I want to tell her and wish she could know and I hope one day I can tell her. Until then I will say this....
Dear Em,
The past couple of days we have spent together have been great. You are fun, witty and totally underestimated. Those girls at your school have no idea what they are missing out on and if I were them I would be lining up to be your friend. You are so strong and even though I am older than you I admire you and wish I could be more like you. I know I have given you a hard time about things or been the "mean" big sister but if I could take it all back I would. You mean the world to me and the respect I have for you cannot be measured. I love you with all of my heart and know you are going to do great, huge, wonderful things in your life. You have already changed mine for the better and being able to watch you continue to grow up is going to be one of the greatest things in my life.
I love you,
I hope yall are having a great week so far! Only a couple more days until the weekend! We love and miss yall!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Organ "themed" Uni's? Come onnnnn?? |
I thought I would share this article with yall because it just seems so funny! And....WEIRD! So weird that it made headlines on Yahoo!
Jess and his team will be wearing Organ "themed" uniforms in support of AutoZone Parks "Organ Donor Night" on August 13th. Great cause but they look so strange!
Anyways, just a little tid bit! Thought yall would get a kick out of it! Hope yall are enjoying your weekend!
Jess and his team will be wearing Organ "themed" uniforms in support of AutoZone Parks "Organ Donor Night" on August 13th. Great cause but they look so strange!
Anyways, just a little tid bit! Thought yall would get a kick out of it! Hope yall are enjoying your weekend!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
5 hours, 1 minute and 13 innings later.... |
Last night Jess' team played a 5 hour game! Ahhhhh! It was the longest night ever! We finally walked thru the door of our apartment at 12:22 am. It was so long and I was starving! Jess pitched the top of the 8th. He came in for a pitcher to get 2/3 of the inning. Finally in the bottom of the 13th Matt Carpenter hit a single and Tyler Greene scored from 2nd base! Thank you Sweet Baby Jesus! Here is a picture of the boys celebrating!
On Monday Jess did an interview with some Arkansas news guys. They were headed down to SEC meetings and stopped in Memphis to spend some time with him. Here is the uncut version of it....
I hope yall enjoy it!
Monday, July 18, 2011
15 days later.... |
Uhh....can you say WOW? My last post was on the 3rd of July! I am now staring at my calendar that says the 18th of July! How did that happen? I must be looking at the wrong date? Right!?!? Unfortunately for me and you (those of you who still even read this blog) the month of July is flying right on by. Pretty soon yall will be school clothes shopping and I will be packing up an in season apartment so we can head on down the road to our next destination!
Its funny you know....its funny how when you become an adult time just passes right on by in front of your eyes and you dont even realize it until it has passed! There is so much I want to do or wanted to do and I feel like now the years just keep passing and I never do them. In just over 7 weeks Jess' regular season will be over. This season has been a crazy one and now looking at the months that have came and gone it is a fast one too!
Seeing that I havent posted in 15 days I will have you know that I was very busy! July 4th I drove to my parents house and had a fun day with my mom, sister and our cousin Kinsley! My dad had to work so we met him and my uncle Mark for a 4th of July dinner. After that we went home to hangout, watch some tv and get ready for the next day. The next morning I had a Final at 8am. After my Final me, my mom and sister went to Dallas for lunch and some shopping! My mom got us a room at the W Hotel in Downtown and we stayed the night there! That night we went to dinner at a really nice gluten free restaurant for my sisters birthday. My dad then met us at a Tattoo parlor so my sister could get a tattoo for her birthday. It was a HILARIOUS event let me tell you! I was laughing so hard I was crying! The next day we went home and me and my sister had lunch with my mom and her office. Then we went and got "feathered" which is where they put feathers in your hair and pedicures. That night I went to dinner with all my best friends except Mary because she lives in Shreveport. Its so nice to catch up with them. One of them just got engaged, one of them is pregnant and due in September and the other just moved in with her boyfriend. Exciting things are happening with them and I loved hearing all about it!
That next morning me my mom and my sister headed to Round Rock for Jess' 4 game series. When we got there we went and had lunch with Jess and his mom and dad at Chili's! My dad had to drive up the next day because he had to work so thats why he didnt come with us. The next day was Friday which was my sisters actual birthday! We went horseback riding in the Hill Country and it was a TON of fun! I really enjoyed the time there with our families. Being apart really makes those times together fun and special. I could go on and on about what we did and how fun it was but I wont bore you! I hope yalls Monday isnt a "Typical Monday" today!
Its funny you know....its funny how when you become an adult time just passes right on by in front of your eyes and you dont even realize it until it has passed! There is so much I want to do or wanted to do and I feel like now the years just keep passing and I never do them. In just over 7 weeks Jess' regular season will be over. This season has been a crazy one and now looking at the months that have came and gone it is a fast one too!
Seeing that I havent posted in 15 days I will have you know that I was very busy! July 4th I drove to my parents house and had a fun day with my mom, sister and our cousin Kinsley! My dad had to work so we met him and my uncle Mark for a 4th of July dinner. After that we went home to hangout, watch some tv and get ready for the next day. The next morning I had a Final at 8am. After my Final me, my mom and sister went to Dallas for lunch and some shopping! My mom got us a room at the W Hotel in Downtown and we stayed the night there! That night we went to dinner at a really nice gluten free restaurant for my sisters birthday. My dad then met us at a Tattoo parlor so my sister could get a tattoo for her birthday. It was a HILARIOUS event let me tell you! I was laughing so hard I was crying! The next day we went home and me and my sister had lunch with my mom and her office. Then we went and got "feathered" which is where they put feathers in your hair and pedicures. That night I went to dinner with all my best friends except Mary because she lives in Shreveport. Its so nice to catch up with them. One of them just got engaged, one of them is pregnant and due in September and the other just moved in with her boyfriend. Exciting things are happening with them and I loved hearing all about it!
That next morning me my mom and my sister headed to Round Rock for Jess' 4 game series. When we got there we went and had lunch with Jess and his mom and dad at Chili's! My dad had to drive up the next day because he had to work so thats why he didnt come with us. The next day was Friday which was my sisters actual birthday! We went horseback riding in the Hill Country and it was a TON of fun! I really enjoyed the time there with our families. Being apart really makes those times together fun and special. I could go on and on about what we did and how fun it was but I wont bore you! I hope yalls Monday isnt a "Typical Monday" today!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy 3rd of July! |
WooHoo! We are now in the month of July! I love summer! I just love everything about it, but thats not saying much because I love Fall and Winter too!
This 4th of July Jess will be in Nashville and I will be in Texas. I usually go on the Nashville trip but since the Round Rock trip follows the Nashville one I decided to sit this one out and go on the next Nashville trip. I am going home to kick things off for my sisters birthday! We have a ton of fun things planned and I cant wait to make a week of it. Im so happy to be able to spend the week with my family and Jess'! My sister's birthday is on the 8th and my dads is on the 11th and Im soooo excited to be able to be there for their birthdays!
This week has been pretty normal. We had an off day on Wednesday and we went to brunch then to a movie and then to dinner! It was a nice day! I love being able to spend time with him like that, especially when he has been gone for a week!
I made 4th of July cupcakes for the team since they were going to be on the road tomorrow and probably not going to get any special attention.
This 4th of July Jess will be in Nashville and I will be in Texas. I usually go on the Nashville trip but since the Round Rock trip follows the Nashville one I decided to sit this one out and go on the next Nashville trip. I am going home to kick things off for my sisters birthday! We have a ton of fun things planned and I cant wait to make a week of it. Im so happy to be able to spend the week with my family and Jess'! My sister's birthday is on the 8th and my dads is on the 11th and Im soooo excited to be able to be there for their birthdays!
This week has been pretty normal. We had an off day on Wednesday and we went to brunch then to a movie and then to dinner! It was a nice day! I love being able to spend time with him like that, especially when he has been gone for a week!
I made 4th of July cupcakes for the team since they were going to be on the road tomorrow and probably not going to get any special attention.
They were Funfetti with Red, White and Blue Sprinkles! They were yummy! I love baking, I wish I had more utensils that we traveled with so I could bake more!
Next week I will be at my parents so I will be baking my sister a Gluten Free cake with Gluten Free Icing! Kind of Hard but I can do it!
I hope yall have a good Holiday Weekend! See yall soon!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 8!!!!!!!!!! |
Holy Smokes! This has been a long week! I can honestly say that after spending 4 of the 8 days with my head buried in my books that Im grateful I had studying to do because these last 4 days have been the pits! With my 4 days of vacation I managed to get a mean sun burn! I went and laid out 2 days in a row and now Im itching to death because its pretty much a 3rd degree burn. (You know Im over exaggerating right?) But really it is pretty bad.
Anywho, I managed to finish one of my minimesters and I AM ELATED! My brain is dead but I am so happy to have gotten that done. Now I can enjoy my trip home and not worry about deadlines!
My week was pretty uneventful which I will not complain about at all because there for a while it was getting a little too eventful for me and Jess if you catch my drift!
Today Jess has a game at 12 noon and then they are headed home! Tomorrow is an off day and we are so excited! Its always nice to have an off day when you have been apart for 8 days! I can finally go back to sleeping in the bed (I sleep on the couch with the tv on because Im scared when Jess is gone) and I will have my husband back! Great beginning to a holiday weekend!
Tonight in celebration of the boys coming home the girls and I are having Taco Tuesday with Manicures! I cant wait!
I hope yall are enjoying yalls Tuesday!
Anywho, I managed to finish one of my minimesters and I AM ELATED! My brain is dead but I am so happy to have gotten that done. Now I can enjoy my trip home and not worry about deadlines!
My week was pretty uneventful which I will not complain about at all because there for a while it was getting a little too eventful for me and Jess if you catch my drift!
Today Jess has a game at 12 noon and then they are headed home! Tomorrow is an off day and we are so excited! Its always nice to have an off day when you have been apart for 8 days! I can finally go back to sleeping in the bed (I sleep on the couch with the tv on because Im scared when Jess is gone) and I will have my husband back! Great beginning to a holiday weekend!
Tonight in celebration of the boys coming home the girls and I are having Taco Tuesday with Manicures! I cant wait!
I hope yall are enjoying yalls Tuesday!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Another 8 day road trip! |
As I sent my husband off at 4:30 this morning I got a hug and kiss along with an 8 day road trip good bye. Road trips dont really bother me like they do some of the girls. (ask me at the end of it lol) I think its because this road trip I have a ton to get done and hope I can finish it all before he gets back. I decided to pack it in this summer and take 1 full summer class along with 2 mini summer sessions (insert scream here). I know yall think I dont do much of anything with my days but I am a busy girl. I get up, hang out with Jess, we eat lunch, he goes to the field and I either go to the gym, run errands, wash clothes and study. Then before I know it its game time! I plan to get all my quizzes and discussions done in my first mini session before he gets back so I hope I can do it!
Today while I was at the gym I decided to take a picture of the view I look at while I run. I love this because there is so much to think about while I look at these views. It makes my run more enjoyable and sometimes I even can see Jess from where I am.
Today while I was at the gym I decided to take a picture of the view I look at while I run. I love this because there is so much to think about while I look at these views. It makes my run more enjoyable and sometimes I even can see Jess from where I am.
The field is so pretty and green! I just love running here and being able to reminisce over people walking downtown, the buildings and that beautiful painting on the side of that building. I hope yall are having a good week! Im going to hit the books now!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day! |
Today we want to wish our WONDERFUL Father's a very HAPPY Father's Day! We love you both very much and appreciate everything yall have done and do for us!
E & J
E & J
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Baby Shower! |
Today the girls and I gave Brittney Walters and Casey Stavinoha a Baby Shower! This was a whole lot of fun because we got to decorate in both blue and pink because Brittney is having a boy and Casey is having a girl! Jess asked at the beginning of the week if we could have a suite for the 11:05 game we had today that way we had air condition for the hot day and be able to throw them a shower. The GM of the field politely obliged and gave us a really nice suite with food and drinks! Here are some pictures from our fun shower!
I love party planning! Its my new fave thing to do! Ive been trying to plan my friend Hannah's Baby Shower in August but after talking with my friends we have decided to just do a "Sip and See". Its a new way for you to give someone a baby shower. After the baby is born you have a party for the new parents and they bring the baby and you sit, sip on some drinks and see the baby. You can bring a gift if you want but no pressure. Its different and Ive never been to a shower like that but Im excited to do it!
School has started for me again so Ive been pretty busy getting back in the swing of things. Here are some pictures of Jess' last couple of outings! I know those are yalls favorite ones!
Brittney and Casey!
All the girls!
Yummy Cupcakes!
Opening gifts!
I love party planning! Its my new fave thing to do! Ive been trying to plan my friend Hannah's Baby Shower in August but after talking with my friends we have decided to just do a "Sip and See". Its a new way for you to give someone a baby shower. After the baby is born you have a party for the new parents and they bring the baby and you sit, sip on some drinks and see the baby. You can bring a gift if you want but no pressure. Its different and Ive never been to a shower like that but Im excited to do it!
School has started for me again so Ive been pretty busy getting back in the swing of things. Here are some pictures of Jess' last couple of outings! I know those are yalls favorite ones!
@ Home
in New Orleans!
Happy Friday tomorrow!
Monday, June 13, 2011
New Orleans Louisiana is one of the most overlooked vacation spots in America. Most people think of the words "dirty" or "washed up" when New Orleans is brought up. In mine and my husbands cases we think of 3 things, good food, good drinks and gambling! We absolutely 110 percent love that city!
We left for New Orleans around midnight Tuesday. We had a pit stop in Mobile Alabama so we left on Tuesday so we could spend our off day Wednesday there. We did the road trip with another couple Brittney and PJ Walters. They are from there and are in the process of building their first house so they had to meet with the builder. They invited us to come along and we obliged since we love seeing how our "baseball friends" live during the off season. We spent the day at the pool with the boys and then went to dinner at the best seafood restaurant in their home town. It was right on the water and really good! Jess got fried oysters and they werent bad. I had never had one before and I thought it was chicken! Lol.
Thursday morning we got up and headed to New Orleans! We were all so excited to get there. I dont really know what appeals to us there but Brittney and PJ love it as much as we do! The first night after the game we hit up Harrah's. We just grabbed a quick bit to eat in the casino and then went and did work! We only stayed an hour but between Jess and I we won a total of 275 dollars! Uhhh yeahhh!!!! We were so happy! Jess could have stayed longer but we were both so tired and happy with our winnings we called it a night!
Friday Jess and I ventured off by ourselves and went and had crawfish! We both love crawfish so I asked the front desk where the best place to go was and we went! It was in walking distance and closer to Bourbon St.
That night Jess threw in the game and did great! We celebrated by going to Port of Call. Its a restaurant that has 4 things on the menu, a hamburger, cheeseburger, mushroom burger and a steak. Each entree comes with a loaded baked potato not french fries. Their signature drink is a "Monsoon" and lets just say it hits you like a monsoon does too! You are only allowed to purchase two for yourself because they are so strong. To be honest if you can drink two you are one heavy heavy drinker! I didnt even get 1/3 of mine down and Jess didnt even finish his! That restaurant is what New Orleans is about, great food and good drinks and overall it was a nice end to a good day!
Saturday for lunch we hit up our usual seafood joint we go to called Crabby Jacks. Jess had the smoked boudin with red beans and rice while I had the grilled shrimp with fried green tomatoes! Jess says they werent as good as Granny's and I believe him because nothing is as good as Granny's food! Our friend PJ threw that night and his parents came to watch. After the game they took us out to eat at Chili's because PJ loves the chocolate molten there. After that we hit the casino up again. A lot of the team was there so we all gambled at tables near each other. At first we lost all our money we had brought to gamble with but then my husband saved the day! He won back the money we lost plus some! It was a very fun and eventful Saturday night at the casino!
Today marked the end of our trip in New Orleans. It was a nice little trip and I enjoyed our time there. Im so grateful we are able to do little trips like that and will always hold them dear in my heart. So dont count that city out when your looking for a little get away. It has all you need and more and Jess and I would love to be your tour guides if yall ever need one!
We love and miss yall! Its getting closer for us to see yall in Round Rock! Have a good week!
We left for New Orleans around midnight Tuesday. We had a pit stop in Mobile Alabama so we left on Tuesday so we could spend our off day Wednesday there. We did the road trip with another couple Brittney and PJ Walters. They are from there and are in the process of building their first house so they had to meet with the builder. They invited us to come along and we obliged since we love seeing how our "baseball friends" live during the off season. We spent the day at the pool with the boys and then went to dinner at the best seafood restaurant in their home town. It was right on the water and really good! Jess got fried oysters and they werent bad. I had never had one before and I thought it was chicken! Lol.
Thursday morning we got up and headed to New Orleans! We were all so excited to get there. I dont really know what appeals to us there but Brittney and PJ love it as much as we do! The first night after the game we hit up Harrah's. We just grabbed a quick bit to eat in the casino and then went and did work! We only stayed an hour but between Jess and I we won a total of 275 dollars! Uhhh yeahhh!!!! We were so happy! Jess could have stayed longer but we were both so tired and happy with our winnings we called it a night!
Friday Jess and I ventured off by ourselves and went and had crawfish! We both love crawfish so I asked the front desk where the best place to go was and we went! It was in walking distance and closer to Bourbon St.
2 1/2 pounds of delicious-ness!
Now in our tummies!
We had Seafood Gumbo as an appetizer.
(Jess trying to act like he doesnt want his picture taken)
Lets just say it was ok :)
That night Jess threw in the game and did great! We celebrated by going to Port of Call. Its a restaurant that has 4 things on the menu, a hamburger, cheeseburger, mushroom burger and a steak. Each entree comes with a loaded baked potato not french fries. Their signature drink is a "Monsoon" and lets just say it hits you like a monsoon does too! You are only allowed to purchase two for yourself because they are so strong. To be honest if you can drink two you are one heavy heavy drinker! I didnt even get 1/3 of mine down and Jess didnt even finish his! That restaurant is what New Orleans is about, great food and good drinks and overall it was a nice end to a good day!
Saturday for lunch we hit up our usual seafood joint we go to called Crabby Jacks. Jess had the smoked boudin with red beans and rice while I had the grilled shrimp with fried green tomatoes! Jess says they werent as good as Granny's and I believe him because nothing is as good as Granny's food! Our friend PJ threw that night and his parents came to watch. After the game they took us out to eat at Chili's because PJ loves the chocolate molten there. After that we hit the casino up again. A lot of the team was there so we all gambled at tables near each other. At first we lost all our money we had brought to gamble with but then my husband saved the day! He won back the money we lost plus some! It was a very fun and eventful Saturday night at the casino!
Today marked the end of our trip in New Orleans. It was a nice little trip and I enjoyed our time there. Im so grateful we are able to do little trips like that and will always hold them dear in my heart. So dont count that city out when your looking for a little get away. It has all you need and more and Jess and I would love to be your tour guides if yall ever need one!
We love and miss yall! Its getting closer for us to see yall in Round Rock! Have a good week!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Reunited.... |
When I hear the word Reunited the song "Reunited and it feels so good" plays in my head. Im not kidding, every single time someone says it or I read it that song plays in my head. Our life has pretty much been that song since the Cardinals picked Jess up. We have been "reunited" with the people we "grew up"with in the baseball world. The people that were there first, the people who went through all of our "firsts" with and their "firsts" with.
These people and the relationships that go along with them are invaluable to Jess and I. After spending almost a 1 year and a half (to the date) miserable with really no intellectual, true friendships seeing their faces again has given us ease. Its like a day never went by since we have seen them and one of the girls here even said that to me. "It's so good to see you Erica!" followed by "Oh my gosh!, It doesnt even feel like a day has passed since Ive seen you last!" That right there to me is what I call friendship.
I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart that Jess and I are different people now. Just a month ago we were not truly content. Surface and face value wise we were but the things that laid deeper in us werent. Jess wasnt content playing baseball which caused him to be just plain down in the dumps. The fact that playing baseball didnt make him happy plagued me. I put on a happy face to try and bring him up but I was falling apart. I was so sad and my heart felt broken because I could not fix the situation. That kind of helpless feeling is one of the most terrible feelings I have ever felt. Its right up there with how I feel on Sundays knowing I cant eat Chick fil a if I want it because its closed. But, no really! Its awful! When I say the word plague I mean it! There was nothing I could do and knowing it was eating me alive.
In the baseball world its not common for you to go back to your original team once you have left them. God really knew the desires of mine and Jess' hearts by bringing us back here. He knew how bad we longed to be back with this organization. I will never forget that period of our lives that we spent with the Indians. I know I was at the lowest point in my life that I had experienced and yet now looking back on it I appreciate it so much. Its funny how God has a way of teaching you things. The lessons hurt like nothing in comparison but you learn a lot along the way.
Since being "Reunited" with all of my friends I have been so busy and Im loving it! The boys left friday on the road to Oklahoma City for 4 days. Since then I have been spending time with the girls. Saturday I went with 2 of the girls that are pregnant and spent the day shopping. They both just found out what they are having last week so that meant one thing for us! SHOPPING!!!! One is having a girl and the other is having a boy! So its the best of both worlds when we are shopping. Yesterday I went with another one of the girls and worked at a "Sisterhood" Convention that was in the Convention Center up the street. We worked from 10:30am to 5:00pm and I was pooped! We had to stand all day so I think thats what got to me the most. It was really easy and I made some extra money so that was even better.
Today I went to lunch and then went and saw "Something Borrowed". It was cute but Its definitely a one time watch. I dont think I will rent it when it comes out or buy it but it was cute. With me being so busy its made the time with Jess being gone go by fast. I miss him and am ready for him to come home. They have a day game at 11am tomorrow so if yall are bored tune in and watch! They will then head home and be here around 11pm. We are then getting in the car and going to Mobile Alabama! We are spending our off day there with some of our dear friends on the team then driving on to their next series in New Orleans! We are soooo excited for that!
We miss yall and are looking forward to seeing yall in July!
These people and the relationships that go along with them are invaluable to Jess and I. After spending almost a 1 year and a half (to the date) miserable with really no intellectual, true friendships seeing their faces again has given us ease. Its like a day never went by since we have seen them and one of the girls here even said that to me. "It's so good to see you Erica!" followed by "Oh my gosh!, It doesnt even feel like a day has passed since Ive seen you last!" That right there to me is what I call friendship.
I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart that Jess and I are different people now. Just a month ago we were not truly content. Surface and face value wise we were but the things that laid deeper in us werent. Jess wasnt content playing baseball which caused him to be just plain down in the dumps. The fact that playing baseball didnt make him happy plagued me. I put on a happy face to try and bring him up but I was falling apart. I was so sad and my heart felt broken because I could not fix the situation. That kind of helpless feeling is one of the most terrible feelings I have ever felt. Its right up there with how I feel on Sundays knowing I cant eat Chick fil a if I want it because its closed. But, no really! Its awful! When I say the word plague I mean it! There was nothing I could do and knowing it was eating me alive.
In the baseball world its not common for you to go back to your original team once you have left them. God really knew the desires of mine and Jess' hearts by bringing us back here. He knew how bad we longed to be back with this organization. I will never forget that period of our lives that we spent with the Indians. I know I was at the lowest point in my life that I had experienced and yet now looking back on it I appreciate it so much. Its funny how God has a way of teaching you things. The lessons hurt like nothing in comparison but you learn a lot along the way.
Since being "Reunited" with all of my friends I have been so busy and Im loving it! The boys left friday on the road to Oklahoma City for 4 days. Since then I have been spending time with the girls. Saturday I went with 2 of the girls that are pregnant and spent the day shopping. They both just found out what they are having last week so that meant one thing for us! SHOPPING!!!! One is having a girl and the other is having a boy! So its the best of both worlds when we are shopping. Yesterday I went with another one of the girls and worked at a "Sisterhood" Convention that was in the Convention Center up the street. We worked from 10:30am to 5:00pm and I was pooped! We had to stand all day so I think thats what got to me the most. It was really easy and I made some extra money so that was even better.
Today I went to lunch and then went and saw "Something Borrowed". It was cute but Its definitely a one time watch. I dont think I will rent it when it comes out or buy it but it was cute. With me being so busy its made the time with Jess being gone go by fast. I miss him and am ready for him to come home. They have a day game at 11am tomorrow so if yall are bored tune in and watch! They will then head home and be here around 11pm. We are then getting in the car and going to Mobile Alabama! We are spending our off day there with some of our dear friends on the team then driving on to their next series in New Orleans! We are soooo excited for that!
We miss yall and are looking forward to seeing yall in July!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Our Memorial Day! |
Hello Everyone! I hope this Hump Day is treating you well! It seems to me like the week is flying by and on top of that I cannot believe that it is June 1st!
Our Memorial Day was pretty low key and normal for us. Jess had a game at 1:05 so that made for a nice evening. Jess came in for the starting pitcher and needed 2 outs to end the inning. He had 1 strike out and a fly out. He then came back out for the 7th inning and had 2 fly outs and a strike out. He did allow 2 hits and one of them did score. The center fielder lost the ball in the sun so that caused Jess to earn a run. Its ok though, it was just a little bad luck and he still pitched phenomenally!
After the game we went and saw the movie Hangover 2. I was slightly disappointed because I thought It would be funnier than the first but it wasnt. I wont spoil it for those of you who havent seen it yet but dont bank on it being better. After the movie we came home and I made pasta for dinner and we had some wine. Overall it was a nice little Holiday! I hope yalls Holiday was good as well! Until next time....
Our Memorial Day was pretty low key and normal for us. Jess had a game at 1:05 so that made for a nice evening. Jess came in for the starting pitcher and needed 2 outs to end the inning. He had 1 strike out and a fly out. He then came back out for the 7th inning and had 2 fly outs and a strike out. He did allow 2 hits and one of them did score. The center fielder lost the ball in the sun so that caused Jess to earn a run. Its ok though, it was just a little bad luck and he still pitched phenomenally!
After the game we went and saw the movie Hangover 2. I was slightly disappointed because I thought It would be funnier than the first but it wasnt. I wont spoil it for those of you who havent seen it yet but dont bank on it being better. After the movie we came home and I made pasta for dinner and we had some wine. Overall it was a nice little Holiday! I hope yalls Holiday was good as well! Until next time....
Sunday, May 29, 2011
8 day road trips! |
Well hello everyone! When Jess went on the road I decided to go on the road as well! I took an 11 day vacation from the blog and now Im back! While Jess was in Tacoma and Salt Lake I went home to spend some time with my family. I love going to visit them! It makes me feel young again. Not that Im an old lady or anything but being there in my parents home it makes me feel like a baby again. Im sure that sounds gay but thats just how I feel :)
Plus like I said before Im a foodie. I love love love food. So I get to eat at my favorite home town places while I visit! Most of my friends actually all of my friends have moved out of Ennis so we meet in Dallas for dinner. Which is great because I love Dallas so I dont mind driving a little to see them.
I was happy to get back to Memphis on Friday because A) I hadnt seen Jess in 8 days and B) I cannot explain the happiness in my heart about us being back here with this organization. As I sat in the stands Friday night I couldnt help but to feel so happy. Like as if my heart were smiling too. I know Memphis isnt safe and yadda yadda yadda but I have already seen a difference in my husband and I cant thank God enough for leading us back to this place. I dont know what the future holds but I do know that God took care of us through all of that and he will continue to do so. So Im not worried! Its going to work out and its going to be even better than what we have planned or want.
I want to share with yall one of my newest obsessions! Now that summer is here and all the fruits are in season I am in heaven! My aunt started making this salad a couple of years ago and now all these places have similar ones at their restaurants. My aunts is spinach leaves, strawberries, grapes, almonds and avocados. The strawberries are cut into fours or sixes (depending on how big they are) and the grapes are cut in halves. I dont eat avocados so I dont put those on mine. The dressing is a fat free poppyseed dressing that is delicious! After eating hers for years I decided to do my own. I changed it a little though, I use grilled chicken, strawberries, pecans and a low fat raspberry balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Here is a picture of it! It was Amazing!
Plus like I said before Im a foodie. I love love love food. So I get to eat at my favorite home town places while I visit! Most of my friends actually all of my friends have moved out of Ennis so we meet in Dallas for dinner. Which is great because I love Dallas so I dont mind driving a little to see them.
I was happy to get back to Memphis on Friday because A) I hadnt seen Jess in 8 days and B) I cannot explain the happiness in my heart about us being back here with this organization. As I sat in the stands Friday night I couldnt help but to feel so happy. Like as if my heart were smiling too. I know Memphis isnt safe and yadda yadda yadda but I have already seen a difference in my husband and I cant thank God enough for leading us back to this place. I dont know what the future holds but I do know that God took care of us through all of that and he will continue to do so. So Im not worried! Its going to work out and its going to be even better than what we have planned or want.
I want to share with yall one of my newest obsessions! Now that summer is here and all the fruits are in season I am in heaven! My aunt started making this salad a couple of years ago and now all these places have similar ones at their restaurants. My aunts is spinach leaves, strawberries, grapes, almonds and avocados. The strawberries are cut into fours or sixes (depending on how big they are) and the grapes are cut in halves. I dont eat avocados so I dont put those on mine. The dressing is a fat free poppyseed dressing that is delicious! After eating hers for years I decided to do my own. I changed it a little though, I use grilled chicken, strawberries, pecans and a low fat raspberry balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Here is a picture of it! It was Amazing!
Other than trying new things with salads here is what Ive been up to. Im not the best at taking pictures but I thought they were good!
My mom and her sisters wanted some pictures taken so we went out to this field full of sunflowers that were just gorgeous! My cousin and his little girl came too and I snapped a few quick pictures of them as well. They came out way better than I thought seeing that I did it so fast!
Jess had his first home outing on Friday and he did so good! He looks so good in a Cardinals Uniform!
I hope everyone is enjoying their 3 day weekends!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A Bird, an Indian, a Cain and a Bird again.... |
"Who says you cant go home again?" read a headline on This was referring to my husband being returned back to the St. Louis Cardinals Organization and it brought tears to my eyes along with a huge grin. I couldnt believe he was going back! The thought of "God is too good" repeated over and over in my head as I read the rest of the article. Jess had been designated again by the Yankees on May 12th so this meant we had to wait until May 16th at 1pm to find out if he was being out-righted back to the Yankees or if another team wanted him. I had went home to visit my family because Jess was going on the road for 8 days and we couldnt move into our apt until June 1st. As soon as he called me I quickly got back to Scranton so we could wait together. The infamous "designation vacation" (what most people call being designated) was starting to get old. We had already went to the movies, shopped, went to the spa and had really nice dinners so we had really exhausted all options. The weather was crappy so we couldnt really go outside and enjoy the views of PA so we did a lot of eating and sleeping. We actually ran around this mountain that our hotel sat on one day. I of course thought in my head it was going to be a walk in the park but it WASNT! My husband and his athletic butt had no problem but I did! It was fun though, we push each other and it makes working out fun and less boring.
Monday which was the 16th finally came and we tried our hardest to sleep until almost 1pm. That didnt happen! I had prayed constantly throughout the night and was too excited to sleep. We watched the news and were on our computers when 1pm came and went. I could tell he was upset that noone called yet so I said "Hey! Lets go eat lunch" Jess agreed and we went. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of Panera Bread his phone started to ring. I felt relieved and scared all at once. It was Brian Cashman on the phone and he had good news for Jess. He told Jess that the St. Louis Cardinals had gotten him back and they would be calling shortly with details. I could tell a huge weight had been lifted off of Jess' shoulders. I cried because thats what I do and he just smiled so big! The assistant GM finally called around 6pm and by 6:45 we had that road hot! We were out of there! The South was alive again and we were going back!
The drive we made on Monday, we drove all the way through!
Looking back on the past month instead of feeling beat to death I feel humbled. After many days and nights of crying episodes, (no Jess never saw me cry) I feel unbelievably strong. I kept telling myself no matter what happened that God only gave you what you could handle and he thought we were strong enough for the situation we were in. I know what we have been through this past month in no way compares to other things and situations people are in daily but it hasnt been a walk in the park. Sitting....waiting....Jess not being able to play....waiting more....sitting more....GOOGLING Jess' name trying to find out what the heck is going on takes a mental and emotional toll on you. I can say that our parents are incredibly supportive and give wonderful advice. I know we couldnt get through this without them. I am unbelievably blessed and will never ever forget this lesson in my life. It has shaped me and molded my heart to appreciate things way more.
Jess was traded July 29, 2009 to the Cleveland Indians which began his detoured route to get back "home". When he was traded we were in New Orleans on the road and couldnt have been more happy! My sister was visiting us that week so she happened to be there when Jess called me with the news. I remember that day like it was yesterday and now almost 2 years later our route has led us back to where it all began. So thats how a Bird, an Indian, a Cain and a Bird again will always have special places in mine and my husbands heart.
I will post about our new apartment soon! I will be moving in and getting everything set up tomorrow! Cant wait!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Gnarly Nails! |
So I was sitting here on this Sunday evening and I looked down at my nails. Knowing I needed a coat of polish on them to keep myself from biting them until they bled I went over to my cosmetics bag to get out my normal nude pinkish color when I found these Sally Hansen Salon Effects I had purchased months ago but hadnt had the chance to put them on. They are leopard which is my absolute fave! Anything leopard is to die for in my opinion! Some people think its trashy but I just love it!
Here are my before and after pictures! Excuse my extra-teresstrial type hands, Ive struggled with them my whole life lol!
They are super easy to put on and they come in all different colors and patterns. I got mine from wal-mart but Im sure you can get them at any drug store! I will let yall know how they hold up as far as staying on. Hopefully they last a while because my hands feel absolutely fabulous!
I hope yall had a good week!
Here are my before and after pictures! Excuse my extra-teresstrial type hands, Ive struggled with them my whole life lol!
They are super easy to put on and they come in all different colors and patterns. I got mine from wal-mart but Im sure you can get them at any drug store! I will let yall know how they hold up as far as staying on. Hopefully they last a while because my hands feel absolutely fabulous!
I hope yall had a good week!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Road Warriors, Gypsy Souls, 2 man traveling band.... |
When I was in high school I learned what the term "Gypsy Soul" meant. Being the Taurus I am I automatically thought being a "Gypsy Soul" was not something I thought I was at the time or would ever be. 6 years and 2 teams later Im beginning to think that is exactly what I am.
Marrying a professional athlete has brought me to many wonderful places. Small itty bitty towns with the Cardinals in Short Season ball thru double A. Then big cities with the Cardinals and Indians for Triple A and the Big leagues and now it has brought me and my Husband to the Yankees Organization! The DYNASTY of allllll baseball! After a bit of a rough time in the Indians Organization, Jess was designated on April 30, 2011. If you dont know what that means there is no reason for me to go into details because you wont understand. Basically its just a really confusing way of trying to make room for up and coming players who are not on the 40 man roster. The Indians had to make a move to bring up a starter and Jess was the one to go. God as our never failing and so so so loving Father gave Jess the opportunity to play on one of the greatest teams in baseball history. He may have closed the door with the Indians but opened another door right back open with the Yankees. I am so excited for the opportunity that God has given Jess. I know this is going to be an unbelievable ride and I am so blessed to be able to witness it.
So for now our home is Scranton, PA, home of the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Yankees and the hilarious sitcom The Office! Not too much comes and goes out of here but its still new to us and we havent learned any of the hidden gems yet! Im so excited for this awesome awesome opportunity and Im so so soooooo proud of my husband!
Housing wise we dont have a place and probably wont until June. There is nothing that suits us available until then and we dont just want to take whatever just because I am a control freak and want to have a place to call mine! Lol! On the upside of the housing situation Jess left on an 8 day road trip today and I am flying home to see my family. So that will only leave around 2 weeks of us staying in a hotel until something opens. Ive become found of hotels so that doesnt bother me at all.
Jess hasnt thrown in his new uniform yet but I can tell he is going to look so cute! I got a couple of pictures of him in the bullpen throwing a little bit. They arent great but you can see him in his pin-stripes! Here is a couple of pictures of our new baseball home as well!
So what I've come to realize is that my husband and I are "Gypsy Souls". We are "Road Warriors" and a "2 man traveling band" (Im the lead singer and he is back up/drums), we have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things that have led us right where we are supposed to be and thats here in Scranton, PA!
I will see some of yall soon! I hope yall all enjoyed Mother's Day! I get to see my mother tomorrow and Im so ready to give her a big hug! I love you all and thank you for reading!
Marrying a professional athlete has brought me to many wonderful places. Small itty bitty towns with the Cardinals in Short Season ball thru double A. Then big cities with the Cardinals and Indians for Triple A and the Big leagues and now it has brought me and my Husband to the Yankees Organization! The DYNASTY of allllll baseball! After a bit of a rough time in the Indians Organization, Jess was designated on April 30, 2011. If you dont know what that means there is no reason for me to go into details because you wont understand. Basically its just a really confusing way of trying to make room for up and coming players who are not on the 40 man roster. The Indians had to make a move to bring up a starter and Jess was the one to go. God as our never failing and so so so loving Father gave Jess the opportunity to play on one of the greatest teams in baseball history. He may have closed the door with the Indians but opened another door right back open with the Yankees. I am so excited for the opportunity that God has given Jess. I know this is going to be an unbelievable ride and I am so blessed to be able to witness it.
So for now our home is Scranton, PA, home of the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Yankees and the hilarious sitcom The Office! Not too much comes and goes out of here but its still new to us and we havent learned any of the hidden gems yet! Im so excited for this awesome awesome opportunity and Im so so soooooo proud of my husband!
Housing wise we dont have a place and probably wont until June. There is nothing that suits us available until then and we dont just want to take whatever just because I am a control freak and want to have a place to call mine! Lol! On the upside of the housing situation Jess left on an 8 day road trip today and I am flying home to see my family. So that will only leave around 2 weeks of us staying in a hotel until something opens. Ive become found of hotels so that doesnt bother me at all.
Jess hasnt thrown in his new uniform yet but I can tell he is going to look so cute! I got a couple of pictures of him in the bullpen throwing a little bit. They arent great but you can see him in his pin-stripes! Here is a couple of pictures of our new baseball home as well!
Not too shabby....
The cool bullpen!
These are kind of blurry b/c the bullpen is so far from my seat. Jess is now #17!
So what I've come to realize is that my husband and I are "Gypsy Souls". We are "Road Warriors" and a "2 man traveling band" (Im the lead singer and he is back up/drums), we have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things that have led us right where we are supposed to be and thats here in Scranton, PA!
I will see some of yall soon! I hope yall all enjoyed Mother's Day! I get to see my mother tomorrow and Im so ready to give her a big hug! I love you all and thank you for reading!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The First Week of May! |
Yesterday evening Jess surprised me with a birthday party at the ONLY good DECENT Mexican food place here in Columbus! Two of his teammates were there and our Bible Study teacher Sumita and her husband were there. It was such a surprise and I dont even know how I didnt cry but I held my composure! (Lol, me hold composure?!?) I held it as best as I could anyway. We had chips, salsa and queso! That is my favorite! Jess and I shared fajitas and they were delicious! After we finished eating we went over to Sumita's and had cake. She ordered a cake from some place here that their specialty was Red Velvet and I just so happen to have a specialty in eating Red Velvet so she ordered it quick! It was AMAZING and Jess and I have been eating on it today too! Here are some pics from the party!
Me with my delicious birthday cake!
Words cant explain how good this was!
Here is to another wonderful year with my family and friends!
Opening presents!
I posted this picture because I made this exact same facial expression 20 years ago at my 4th birthday party. My sweet Grandma Emma bought me a purse and I was so happy I looked up to find her with a huge grin. This year Sumita gave me a purse too and like my normal self I was in love with it and made the same face I did when I was 4 and had gotten a purse. This makes me miss my grandma more today but I know she was there in spirit.
Today was my official birthday and as if I didnt get enough yesterday my sweet husband scheduled a Spa Day for me today. It was 3 hours of total pampering that I absolutely didnt deserve but loved every minute. He really outdid himself this year and Im so thankful for his generosity.
My birthday also marks our 5 year anniversary. We were just babies when we started dating! Literally 18 and 19 years old! Looking back now I cant believe its been that long. Im so thankful I met him that semester at what I thought was "dredded" Navarro College. My life has never been the same and I wouldnt change that for anything.
I hope yall had a good (what my friends call it) Cinco De Drinko today! Enjoy yalls Friday tomorrow!
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