Tuesday, October 4, 2011


It is OCTOBER! We are finally getting into the seasons I LOVE! Just a little over a month and I will be decorating for CHRISTMAS! Yay! My dad and I love this time of year, we have a "Griswold" gene that we inherited from my Grandma Emma.  We love everything about the Christmas season!

Anyways, I took this past weekend to get my Halloween stuff up. I still need to get some pumpkins and get my pumpkin that lights up out and my doormat. Here is what I have done so far.

I think Im going to put more candy corn in the hurricanes. They dont look full enough in my opinion.

For Tasty Tuesday last week Jess made dove wrapped in bacon and back strap on his new grill! It was so good!
This weekend I am going home to spend some time with my friends and family. I am super excited because my mom and I are going to pick up our Embroidery machine and I get to bring back to my house! I cant wait to start embroidering EVERYTHING!

Hopefully The Burlap Barn website will be up soon. We are almost done getting the merchandise ready. I hope yall are having a great week!