It has been a very busy week! This always happens right before Spring Training, the days get shorter and the to-do list gets longer.
Our date night went so good the other night! We started off at Jumby Bay which is a restaurant by the Spring Training Complex. It is really cute and has a "5 o'clock somewhere" vibe. A total of 8 of us went, Barrett and Meah Browning, Brandon and Lauren Dickson, Shane and Jessica Robinson and myself and Jess. The movie was AWESOME and I can see this being way bigger than Twilight. Jess is even thinking of reading the 2nd one because he cant wait until the next one comes out to see what happens. I dont know if yall have heard much about the Hunger Games but the title of this post is the poster board quote for the movie.
This quote just so happens to be the theme of our lives right now. Word on the street is that tomorrow is D-Day. Supposedly tomorrow is the day that all the decisions, send downs and cuts will be made. Usually this is never the case but that is what the coaches told everyone today at the field. They have Jess scheduled to throw on Tuesday which is a good sign but seeing that the world of baseball is a fickle one, we dont know for sure if that is going to happen. Hopefully "the odds" WILL be in OUR favor and he makes the team.
I truly believe though that if he doesn't make the team there is another opportunity that is better for him somewhere. I know its going to hurt him, I know its going to hurt me but I have faith that its going to work out even better than we wanted it to.
Today we had a baby shower for Jessica Robinson. It was so good seeing all of the girls! I was so excited last night just thinking about it because it has been 3 years since I have seen some of them. Jessica and Shane are really good friends with some of our really good friends Wes and Katie Hodges. Katie and I decided to split getting her the car seat since we are all very close. I like getting gifts for people that they can really use! Especially when it is a gift for a baby!
Our night is now winding down and we are about to hit the sack. I just wanted to share with yall our weekend and what we had to look forward to tomorrow. Please pray for Jess as I can see in his eyes how very scared he is. I know everything will fall right into place its just waiting on that to happen that is hard.
Thank you for reading my blog! I hope yall all had a great weekend!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Close Call.... |
Happy Tuesday Y'all!
Today marks exactly 13 days left of camp. Seems like we just got here (probably because we did) but our time here is now dwindling down. We are already back in baseball mode which consists of not knowing what day of the week it is, watching ESPN 24/7 and keeping up with the latest transactions and rumors online. Fridays always feel like Sundays to me but inevitably Mondays are always Mondays! Yesterday was a "Monday" for Jess. As he was shagging balls during batting practice a batter hit a line drive. As another player yelled "Heads up! Heads up!" Jess ducked behind the screen but left enough of his right arm out from the protection screen and was hit. As crazy as it seems out of all places the line drive could have hit him, the estimated 100 mph ball hit him right square on the bottom part of his right forearm/elbow. It hit him so hard that he walked in circles because he felt like he was going to throw up. The trainer then came out there to make sure he was ok. He felt of Jess' arm and determined it was not broken but that he needed to go in and get treatment immediately. They put some type of suction device on him and propped his arm up like the kid in Rookie of the Year. Jess said they were all calling him Rosenheimer or whatever the kid in the movie's name is because he looked just like him. I am so happy they could all joke about it seeing as that if I were there I probably would have fainted :) You know how it goes, no one can hurt your baby and if they do mama bear is ready to rock and roll! Jess came home and slept for a couple of hours because I think the situation stressed him out. We all anticipated him being very stiff and sore this morning but praise God it wasn't that bad. He was able to throw a bullpen and he said it was actually a good one even though he had just been pelted by a line drive yesterday.
Other than that little hiccup the week has started out great. School started back up yesterday (which Im not over the moon about, but Im almost done) and we have a lot of things that are going to keep us busy during the rest of our time here.
Friday the Hunger Games come out and we are going on a double date with another couple to see it. It is Jess and the other guy's way of having to sit through a movie they know nothing about with someone who dips. Can we say EWW?
I hope y'all enjoyed the first day of Spring today!
Talk to y'all soon!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Catching up! |
Hellooo! I hope you all enjoyed your Spring Breaks! Spring Break is always one of those things that comes and goes so fast and yet after a full week off we are still left wanting MORE!
This past week has absolutely flown by and to think that there is only 13 days of camp left seems even more cray! -Note to you that I did not just misspell crazy, the word CRAY is the new crazy and you know how I love to stay in "the know" with all things fabulous including the latest ebonics.
Anyways games officially started on Tuesday but Jess didnt throw until Wednesday. He pitched 2 innings 21 pitches, 0 hits, 0 walks and 4 strikeouts. He did amazing and Im so proud of him! He felt so good about it and I know he was happy to get the first outing of spring training under his belt.
Friday Jess was put on "back up" duty in the big league game. My parents came in on Wednesday night so we were having brunch when Jess let me know he was scheduled to back up. By chance we were in Abacoa eating so when we finished we just walked across the street to the stadium.
Im a pretty emotional person so I had to fight back tears as Jess came out in the St. Louis uniform. I know that the journey we have been on is not as bad as it could have been and in all reality the trials we have faced are petty and ridiculously small compared to the troubles in the world, but seeing him in that uniform brought an overflow of emotion. I felt happy, sad, proud, thankful and grateful. I felt emotions a thru z but overall I felt proud. I have sat here and watched him fight for what he loves so much and seeing St. Louis across his chest sent the message of victory to my heart. I know that there is a lot left to fight for in this business but Jess can handle it, with God's will he can do it. It's been a long road and there is still more ahead but Jess and I both know now who is in control. That is a lesson we had to learn and I am so thankful that it was taught to us.
Jess threw again today, he went 3 innings 35 pitches, 1 hit and 3 strikeouts. As far as his role goes we really dont know what that is so for right now Jess is just happy throwing and that is perfectly fine with us.
Here are some pictures from this past week.
For those of you who do not know what back up in the big leagues means I will give you a quick tutorial. When Jess is scheduled as back up this means he will only come in if the pitcher that was actually scheduled to pitch cannot finish his outing. So basically back up means on-call, there is a possibility you may get called into the game but not a definite chance. It is exciting for one to be scheduled as back up if you are not in the big leagues but my husband states that it is not that big of a deal. He is wrong-just saying :)
Anyways I promise the blog will be more consistent from now on. It was just a little cray with games starting and my family visiting.
Have a nice Sunday!
This past week has absolutely flown by and to think that there is only 13 days of camp left seems even more cray! -Note to you that I did not just misspell crazy, the word CRAY is the new crazy and you know how I love to stay in "the know" with all things fabulous including the latest ebonics.
Anyways games officially started on Tuesday but Jess didnt throw until Wednesday. He pitched 2 innings 21 pitches, 0 hits, 0 walks and 4 strikeouts. He did amazing and Im so proud of him! He felt so good about it and I know he was happy to get the first outing of spring training under his belt.
Friday Jess was put on "back up" duty in the big league game. My parents came in on Wednesday night so we were having brunch when Jess let me know he was scheduled to back up. By chance we were in Abacoa eating so when we finished we just walked across the street to the stadium.
Im a pretty emotional person so I had to fight back tears as Jess came out in the St. Louis uniform. I know that the journey we have been on is not as bad as it could have been and in all reality the trials we have faced are petty and ridiculously small compared to the troubles in the world, but seeing him in that uniform brought an overflow of emotion. I felt happy, sad, proud, thankful and grateful. I felt emotions a thru z but overall I felt proud. I have sat here and watched him fight for what he loves so much and seeing St. Louis across his chest sent the message of victory to my heart. I know that there is a lot left to fight for in this business but Jess can handle it, with God's will he can do it. It's been a long road and there is still more ahead but Jess and I both know now who is in control. That is a lesson we had to learn and I am so thankful that it was taught to us.
Jess threw again today, he went 3 innings 35 pitches, 1 hit and 3 strikeouts. As far as his role goes we really dont know what that is so for right now Jess is just happy throwing and that is perfectly fine with us.
Here are some pictures from this past week.
This was at Juno Beach Cafe, the best breakfast food ever!
Juno Beach
@ Jumby Bay in Abacoa
New jumbo-tron at the stadium
Jess is on the left in his STL Uni :)
For those of you who do not know what back up in the big leagues means I will give you a quick tutorial. When Jess is scheduled as back up this means he will only come in if the pitcher that was actually scheduled to pitch cannot finish his outing. So basically back up means on-call, there is a possibility you may get called into the game but not a definite chance. It is exciting for one to be scheduled as back up if you are not in the big leagues but my husband states that it is not that big of a deal. He is wrong-just saying :)
Anyways I promise the blog will be more consistent from now on. It was just a little cray with games starting and my family visiting.
Have a nice Sunday!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Do you know him? |
Let me start off this blog post asking you a little question....Do you know him?
Well if you don't my husband can tell you. Jess and I once again had another run in with a famous baseball player. Last year it was at bible study, this year it was in the mall at the Louis Vuitton store. We were shopping for my 25th birthday present and Jess did not really like the Michael Kors bag I picked out so he said "let's go into Louis Vuitton"....uhhh if you know me (which only the people that do know me, read this blog) I am in no way going to talk him out of going into Louis Vuitton. So we proceeded into the store where I pretended we were rich and started to look at bags. As we were browsing we noticed 2 Latin men talking with a sales lady. I went about my business because we are in West Palm Beach which is not that far from Miami so of course rich Latin men run rampant around here. One of them kept looking at Jess, Jess kept looking at him....my thought was "uhh, do you know him?" Another thing you know about me (if you know me) is that I know 3 things pretty well....Fashion, Food and Famous People. I know baseball pretty well in my opinion but I don't study the programs with pictures or anything creepy like that. Im more of a stat person. Anywhooooo, we kept walking and looking around the store until we made it back around to where the man was shopping. He then looked at Jess and said, "Hey man, how are you?", "You doing good?" Jess replied and asked him the same thing, he answered and we went about our business. At this point Im sure the suspense is killing you of who it was! I couldn't be more proud to say that it was JOHAN SANTANA!!!!!!! A pitcher for the NY Mets. I know if you don't know who that is your thinking who cares, but if you do know who that is then your thinking "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!"
Don't get me wrong Im not saying that he should or shouldn't know who Jess is, all Im saying is that it is somewhat of a big deal that he recognized Jess. He is a big time player. I might also add that he and Jess have never shared a team together, so he simply just knows Jess because of who Jess is. Before you start to think that I think Jess is the greatest amongst greatest or a humongous deal and all that jazz I want you to know that I don't. (I mean I do, but I dont....you know what I mean!) I consider Jess and myself to be pretty normal people that don't really require much, just pretty simple and my point about this post is that Jess may feel that he his previous attempts at being a big leaguer have failed but not all people feel that way or see that. Johan Santana, a long time big leaguer recognized Jess and acknowledged him. He knows who he is, knows that he has struggled but respects him. This game is hard, (Im sure your thinking she says that all the time) but it is, and having someone of that rank speak to you out of uniform is absolutely amazing. Johan did not have to say hi or even speak to Jess but he did. My point is that even though Jess has had a rocky road (this just came to me-rocky road is my fave ice cream maybe I should change that and see what happens)-(just a thought) but he has still accomplished so much to be proud of. I mean seriously, Khloe Kardashian moved to Dallas and I was so proud of myself because I grew up 45 minutes south of there. Oh the small things :)
I will stop rambling now I just had to brag about my husband a little. I know he struggles daily with the game and I just want him and everyone to know that not only am I so proud of him other people are too.
Have a good weekend!
Don't forget to Spring FORWARD!
Well if you don't my husband can tell you. Jess and I once again had another run in with a famous baseball player. Last year it was at bible study, this year it was in the mall at the Louis Vuitton store. We were shopping for my 25th birthday present and Jess did not really like the Michael Kors bag I picked out so he said "let's go into Louis Vuitton"....uhhh if you know me (which only the people that do know me, read this blog) I am in no way going to talk him out of going into Louis Vuitton. So we proceeded into the store where I pretended we were rich and started to look at bags. As we were browsing we noticed 2 Latin men talking with a sales lady. I went about my business because we are in West Palm Beach which is not that far from Miami so of course rich Latin men run rampant around here. One of them kept looking at Jess, Jess kept looking at him....my thought was "uhh, do you know him?" Another thing you know about me (if you know me) is that I know 3 things pretty well....Fashion, Food and Famous People. I know baseball pretty well in my opinion but I don't study the programs with pictures or anything creepy like that. Im more of a stat person. Anywhooooo, we kept walking and looking around the store until we made it back around to where the man was shopping. He then looked at Jess and said, "Hey man, how are you?", "You doing good?" Jess replied and asked him the same thing, he answered and we went about our business. At this point Im sure the suspense is killing you of who it was! I couldn't be more proud to say that it was JOHAN SANTANA!!!!!!! A pitcher for the NY Mets. I know if you don't know who that is your thinking who cares, but if you do know who that is then your thinking "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!"
Don't get me wrong Im not saying that he should or shouldn't know who Jess is, all Im saying is that it is somewhat of a big deal that he recognized Jess. He is a big time player. I might also add that he and Jess have never shared a team together, so he simply just knows Jess because of who Jess is. Before you start to think that I think Jess is the greatest amongst greatest or a humongous deal and all that jazz I want you to know that I don't. (I mean I do, but I dont....you know what I mean!) I consider Jess and myself to be pretty normal people that don't really require much, just pretty simple and my point about this post is that Jess may feel that he his previous attempts at being a big leaguer have failed but not all people feel that way or see that. Johan Santana, a long time big leaguer recognized Jess and acknowledged him. He knows who he is, knows that he has struggled but respects him. This game is hard, (Im sure your thinking she says that all the time) but it is, and having someone of that rank speak to you out of uniform is absolutely amazing. Johan did not have to say hi or even speak to Jess but he did. My point is that even though Jess has had a rocky road (this just came to me-rocky road is my fave ice cream maybe I should change that and see what happens)-(just a thought) but he has still accomplished so much to be proud of. I mean seriously, Khloe Kardashian moved to Dallas and I was so proud of myself because I grew up 45 minutes south of there. Oh the small things :)
I will stop rambling now I just had to brag about my husband a little. I know he struggles daily with the game and I just want him and everyone to know that not only am I so proud of him other people are too.
Have a good weekend!
Don't forget to Spring FORWARD!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
We are BACK! |
Hello blog world!
After a 5 month hiatus from the blog, I am back!
I am writing this post from the comfy room of my new "home" for the next couple of weeks. We have moved to a place called Spring Training and it is time to get season 2012 on the road! I cannot express to you the gratefulness my heart is spewing with right now. I am literally full of joy and am so happy to be back in West Palm Beach, FL.
When I arrived (because I arrived before Jess did, due to having to fly on separate airlines) it felt so surreal. The last time we were here it was Spring Training 2009! Uhh yeah....3. WHOLE. YEARS. 3 whole, crazy, tragic, beautiful, terrible, shocking (the list could go on for days) years! I am happy to say it looks the same exact way it did when we left, except no construction on the highways :) Jess shares my enthusiasm of course, and couldn't be more happy to be back. He is in minor league camp which is a first for him but hey! you have to do everything once right?!? That's how I choose to look at it anyway. He, well....not so much, but in this sport situations like Jess' are all to normal. He will be back there one day, in the far away land of BIG LEAGUE camp that exists just on the other side of the building. He will, I, you, and everyone who knows Jess knows he will.
Changing gears a little, today was physicals day. This is where all pitchers and catchers get their physicals done, bullpens caught/thrown and a workout in. Kind of a routine type day that starts at around 6:30 and ends around 4. They have the guys come in groups so it's not just plain pandemonium with everyone coming in at once. Jess was in the 9am group but my husband was too excited to wait until 9 for his first day of work for the 2012 season. When 6am came around he was like a bull in a china cabinet ready to go! So he arrived a little early to his physical, better early than later right? Jess said he got in and got everything he needed to done. Later in the afternoon he said he threw a bullpen and he said he threw very well. Im so glad he did good since it was the first day!
There are a ton of young guys with a mix of who Jess came up with in the Cardinals organization in minor league camp. Jess said it makes him feel old but I tell him not to pay any attention to that. Easier said than done, Im sure! It is what it is though and I am just thankful that he is able to do what he loves to do for a job. It is hard and very trying on your mental and physical state, but in a blink of an eye careers are over. Ive spent the last 2 1/2 years wondering why Jess? Why did all this hardship have to happen to him? Im not doing that anymore, our lives are good, we are alive, healthy and have more than we could ever need. Its time to enjoy the ride and this is just the season to do it!
So here is to Season 2012, may you be the best, funnest, craziest, wildest ever!
Play Ball!
Posts will be back to normal now that we are back in season!
After a 5 month hiatus from the blog, I am back!
I am writing this post from the comfy room of my new "home" for the next couple of weeks. We have moved to a place called Spring Training and it is time to get season 2012 on the road! I cannot express to you the gratefulness my heart is spewing with right now. I am literally full of joy and am so happy to be back in West Palm Beach, FL.
When I arrived (because I arrived before Jess did, due to having to fly on separate airlines) it felt so surreal. The last time we were here it was Spring Training 2009! Uhh yeah....3. WHOLE. YEARS. 3 whole, crazy, tragic, beautiful, terrible, shocking (the list could go on for days) years! I am happy to say it looks the same exact way it did when we left, except no construction on the highways :) Jess shares my enthusiasm of course, and couldn't be more happy to be back. He is in minor league camp which is a first for him but hey! you have to do everything once right?!? That's how I choose to look at it anyway. He, well....not so much, but in this sport situations like Jess' are all to normal. He will be back there one day, in the far away land of BIG LEAGUE camp that exists just on the other side of the building. He will, I, you, and everyone who knows Jess knows he will.
Changing gears a little, today was physicals day. This is where all pitchers and catchers get their physicals done, bullpens caught/thrown and a workout in. Kind of a routine type day that starts at around 6:30 and ends around 4. They have the guys come in groups so it's not just plain pandemonium with everyone coming in at once. Jess was in the 9am group but my husband was too excited to wait until 9 for his first day of work for the 2012 season. When 6am came around he was like a bull in a china cabinet ready to go! So he arrived a little early to his physical, better early than later right? Jess said he got in and got everything he needed to done. Later in the afternoon he said he threw a bullpen and he said he threw very well. Im so glad he did good since it was the first day!
There are a ton of young guys with a mix of who Jess came up with in the Cardinals organization in minor league camp. Jess said it makes him feel old but I tell him not to pay any attention to that. Easier said than done, Im sure! It is what it is though and I am just thankful that he is able to do what he loves to do for a job. It is hard and very trying on your mental and physical state, but in a blink of an eye careers are over. Ive spent the last 2 1/2 years wondering why Jess? Why did all this hardship have to happen to him? Im not doing that anymore, our lives are good, we are alive, healthy and have more than we could ever need. Its time to enjoy the ride and this is just the season to do it!
So here is to Season 2012, may you be the best, funnest, craziest, wildest ever!
Play Ball!
Posts will be back to normal now that we are back in season!
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