It has been a little over two weeks since my last post. I was doing really good about posting every Sunday....but....then I slacked! Sorry!
Anyways I just wanted to share with y'all what is new with us!
I finally got our house unpacked and things in place. When I say I- I want to use that term loosely. It really means myself, my mom, my dad and my sister. Along with other people who have showed up when I was unavailable to receive something that was being delivered to the house. A lot of loving people have helped me get the house in tip top shape for Mr. Todd's arrival. For these people I am beyond grateful! Our bodies have been bruised and battered and I have never felt more loved than I have in the past few weeks. I am one very lucky girl to have the family I have. So thank y'all! All of y'all in every little and big way y'all have helped me thru "Operation Get Settled".
I will post pictures once Jess has seen it in person and because the pictures just don't do it justice. There are still some things we have left to do but all in all it is taken care of.
Before I went home to continue "Operation Get Settled" I came back to Memphis for a week to spend time with Jess during their homestand. This month they have been on the road a lot so we haven't got to spend a lot of time together. A lot of girls were in town during this homestand so here are some pictures of that week!
The girls at the Game!
Astrid and I
The last game was a day game which was Father's Day so in honor of Father's Day and Prostate Cancer the boys autographed some bats and wore blue in their jerseys. Here are some pictures from some of the games.
Autographed bats, you can see Jess' signature on the second bat in the picture.
Jess and Andy after Jess closed the game!
Boys will be boys :)
Jess got his first win since 2009 last night! He came in for the 6th inning and pitched 2 innings. He was on point and threw really well. The game was tied at the time and even though he did give up 1 run (which was home run) his team pulled it out for him and they scored some runs! It was a really good game and Jess was super excited about the W! Here is a picture of him in action last night!
The Memphis Redbirds have an official Instagram and this is where I got this picture and the other ones from the games above. His beard looks as red as the dirt in infield :) but he sure is a cutie!
You can download the Instagram app on your phone and follow them. They post pictures of games so I always like to share the ones that have Jess in them.
I hope y'all are having a nice week. It's been brutally hot this past week and unfortunately there is no relief in sight. Stay cool my friends! See y'all in about 12 days!