Monday, December 16, 2013


With all that has been going on with building the house I have been unbelievably busy! Jess came home on November 15th and I think things got even busier once he was home. I had another reason as to why I wasn't posting......


I am due June 2, 2014! We found out 5 days before Jess left to Venezuela that we were expecting! As I sit here and type this post I still can't believe that I am finally going to be a mommy!

We tried for a little over a year and a half and I will save that journey for a whole other post because right now I just want to share the good news!

I am 16 weeks today and here are my stats so far!

How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Unknown, we have our appointment on the 30th.
Weight gain: Again, unknown. My doctor has not told me and I haven't asked.
Maternity clothes: None yet because I really haven't started to show. I do think I need to start wearing some looser tights, my regular ones squish the somewhat bump (bloated) I have. 
Stretch marks: So far none have appeared but I am using a really good stretch mark cream by Mustela.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Some nights are great, others my back hurts and I get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: I had a dream that I had the baby, I had not seen it yet and when they wheeled it in it was a girl and she was the most beautiful, chubby, smiley little thing. My heart was so full! It felt so real. (side note: we don't care what we have, all we want is a healthy baby!)
Worst moment this week: I live in fear that something will happen to my baby so at least once a week I panic about if that something were to happen.  
Miss anything: No, I love being pregnant!
Movement: I haven't felt anything yet. I hope to have a bump and feel some kicks soon!
Cravings: Chicken strips, gravy, french fries, catfish, potato soup.
Queasy or Sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Our house being finished!

I hope that y'all are enjoying the holidays with y'all's family and soaking up every minute. We cannot wait until next Christmas! The baby will be 6 months old and we are so excited to start Christmas traditions of our own! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

3 Weeks

Today marks 3 weeks since Jess has left. 21 days has felt more like 3 months but I am trying not to be a baby about it. Bless those women's hearts who go months, even years before they see their husbands again. I will say I have done a whole lot better than I thought I would but let the jury still be out since it is only 3 weeks in.

The house is still coming along and with God's will I pray it continues. The brick started last Thursday and I am very please with how it is coming along. I cannot wait until that is done!

I will post more pictures as more progress is made. I am constantly taking pictures to send to Jess so he can stay up to date as well!

Besides supervising the house and spending time with my family I am really enjoying this nice cool Fall weather! I made this stew this past Saturday for me and my sister and it was delicious! Throwing everything into a crock pot is the best part about it! I made some cornbread muffins to go with it and literally ate it for 3 different meals. Hearty soups are on the menu as of late and I am not mad about it one bit ;)

I hope you all have a happy HUMP DAY tomorrow!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Game Day Venezuelan Style

Today is opening day for the Caribbean League! You can keep up with the games here. Once you are on this page you need to click the "VEN" tab on the scores and schedules box. Once the Venezuelan teams pop up you will look for "CAR". That is the abbreviation for Jess' team, Leones de Caracas. You can then click on that game and be able to access the box score.

The games usually last a whole lot longer there than they do here so if time slips away from you still check it out because Jess might not have even thrown yet. They are also 30 minutes ahead of us so keep that in mind too. If the game time says 7:30 it is really 7 our time.

He is ready to get the season started and happy with his team! I think he has a good group of guys to hangout with so that is good for him.

I hope that this "Friday Eve" is treating you well!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Serious Hiatus

Check, this thing on?

I honestly don't even know where to start or how to even begin this post. Between the offseason starting, building a house, Jess leaving for Venezuela and trying to maintain living in two places at once I have been a TAD busy.

With all this going on the little old blog got put on the back burner. I would even go as far as using the word neglected! I just hate writing little short posts that are not relevant or even interesting to read. So that has also attributed to the lack of posts/serious hiatus this blog has been on.

Like I said a lot has been going on in the past weeks. Jess has been gone 1 week today and it has honestly felt like a month! They start their games on the 10th and once they get the game tracker up I will post information on how to keep up with him. Our house is still moving along and I am very thankful for that. I hope that by the time Jess gets back from playing he will have a finished house to come home to and be able to relax before training starts back up.

So since I have been gone for a while and Fall has began and I am in the holiday spirit I am going to take a moment and list things that I am thankful for. They will be in no particular order just random things that have been on my mind and that are dear to my heart.

1. My husband- He is such a provider and I appreciate all that he does for us. God blessed me so much when he made him mine. I am so undeserving.

2. My family (in-laws too)- They honestly keep things glued together for me, all the time. If Jess is gone they pick up his slack. If something needs to be done and I can't be there for it-they handle it. I appreciate all they do for me too and I hope they know it.

3. God- Daily he amazes me by his work. I can't even fathom his love for me or for anyone. He is truly an awesome God and I am so glad that I know him.

I hope that everyone is enjoying the cooler temps we have had lately. By no means do I want to rush through the Holiday season but I am ready to wear some cute flats, boots and light weight scarves ;)

Happiest Tuesday to y'all!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fall Y'all!

It's Fall y'all!

This means that it is perfectly acceptable to dust off your seasonal decorations, put out pumpkins, wear sweaters and add cinnamon to your coffee, oatmeal (be careful, I learned the hard way with this one) and anything else you want to add cinnamon to!

I am a sucker for pumpkin coffee, pumpkin scented candles and pumpkin rolls! I should stay away from the pumpkin rolls but hey, yolo....

In other news our house is coming right along. As I sit here and type numerous people are down there working away to get their parts done. My husband has been able to take part in wiring the house with electricity and that has made him super happy. He heads out to Venezuala on Tuesday so he is trying to put some work in where he can. I keep telling him he is lucky because once he comes back it will be almost move in ready. He gets to miss all the excitement of things coming up or going wrong! He's lucky! *This is me trying to build him up, he has let me know that it's not helping :/

Truth is, his time in Venezuela will fly by and he will be back before he knows it. On top of that I will be visiting him so that will break up his time there and then boom! It will be time to come home! I feel a massive amount of guilt that he has to leave but this is a part of the game. I am so blessed that he is devoted to his job and provides for us so I try very hard to encourage him and build him up. I know God is giving Jess this opportunity for a reason and I trust his will for us.

I hope that y'all are enjoying these cooler temps! It has been nice to wake up to the crisp, chilly air in the morning. After all, this is my favorite season of them all!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Around here....

Hey Y'all!

It has been quite a while! Things have been pretty active around here....

These pictures are over a course of a week and a half. We are looking forward to it continually changing and can't wait to be in it!

That of course, will take time but we are excited and blessed to be able to be in this situation. We wake up every morning super early just to watch the framers get started. We also go back once they have left for the day and check out what all they accomplished. It is such a cool process to watch!

So many exciting things going on! I am so happy that Saturday is the first day of Autumn! Time to fill the house with scents of pumpkin and cinnamon!

Happy Hump Day!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It came and it went....

So our baseball season came and went and we are now back in East Texas beginning our offseason. This one (just like all the others) is going to be a crazy one! We have been home for just 6 days and today they are starting the framing on our new house! 

My parents are contractors and I practically grew up on concrete slabs but this one is different. The stress of it all is so much more than I thought! We are very blessed to have the guidance we have from both of our parents through this process. Moms and dads always smooth out the "booboo's" when they do arise, even when you are 26 & 27 years old. 

I hope that y'all will enjoy this ride with us. I am super excited to share the process and myself can't wait to watch each stage!

Happy Tuesday!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lucas Oil Stadium

We just returned to Toledo from a 6 game road series against Louisville and Indianapolis. On our last day in Indy we decided to take a tour of the Indianapolis Colts football stadium. It is located one street over from the baseball field so it worked out perfectly that we see all it had to offer.

Peyton Manning's Locker, it was not used last season and they do not know if it will be used this season.

Kenny, Jess and Robbie

Pressbox View

Cool pressbox carpet!

Two of Jess' teammate's went with us and all three of them were like kids in a candy shop. They were so locked in to the tour guide and paid very close attention of every word he said. It was such a fun thing to do and very inexpensive. We would never get to take a tour of "Jerry's World" for $10 so we had to take advantage of this opportunity! 

We are now down to 3 games left at home. Boy has this season been a fast one! Im starting to get emotional, which always has Jess laughing his butt of at me but I just can't help it ;)

I hope y'all are getting your wear out of white pants these last couple of days! With Labor Day being just around the corner, it will be time to pack those away before you know it! 

Happy Friday Eve!


Friday, August 23, 2013

2 Seasons

We live our lives in 2 seasons. One is Baseball season and the other is the Offseason. Yeah, sure tax collector's live by season and other professional athletes, hunter's and fisherman do too but I swear our 2 seasons are so much more emotional.

With the end of the season nearing I had to say my first "goodbye" on Wednesday night. By now you would think that I would be a pro at doing this but I think I have only mastered professional packer, driver, flyer and hotel resident to my resume. I still cry, get sick to my stomach and sit in a depressed daze for a bit. It doesn't get easy telling the women and their baby's bye but one thing I am thankful for is having the opportunity to even meet them.

Faith and her mama Ashley have been such a blessing to me. We share a common bond right off the bat because our husbands are both pitcher's. Ashley has been one of my confidant's this season and with them being from Florida we don't really know when we will see each other again. On top of that her husband and Jess are both Free Agents so who knows where the wind will take us in the coming months? One thing is for sure though, and it is that I will walk away from this season with great memories and my heart a little fuller from adding more people to it.

We are down to the wire in games and while we are ready to get home and watch our house be built, we are both sad for it to come to a close.

We are in Louisville right now for a 4 game series and then on to Indianapolis for 2. We then head home for 4 and then wrap up the season in Columbus for 2. I hope that y'all are enjoying this beautiful Friday!


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wine and Canvas

Since the season is coming to a close the girls on the team decided we should have a "Ladies Night" and spend some time together. One of the girls saw on Groupon where there was a "Wine and Canvas" class at a local comedy club in Toledo. She told us all about it and thought it would be so much fun for us to do together!

What we start with!

 Me and Bree!

Ashley S., Ashley R., Ashley H., Ashley H., Me, Bree and Brittany
-yes, we have a lot of Ashley's ;)

We had a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again! I was so nervous going into it because I cannot draw or paint by any means. I just don't have that artistic outlet like some people do but was pleased with my end result!

Such a fun different night out and I urge everyone to do it if they get the chance!


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Birthdays and Gift Giving!

Yesterday was one of my friends Birthday. I scrambled my brain trying to figure out what to get her and after she complimented a scarf I wore, I knew that is what I was going to get her! While I chose a more "normal" gift to give there are many other choices that are out of the box and unique.

Heather from Shutterfly reached out to me to share some cool and fun ways to give a Birthday gift! Here she is to explain how many ways you can give someone a gift on their Birthday.

Eight Fun Ways to Wish a Friend Happy Birthday

Today’s digital technology has made it easier than ever to keep in touch with people we have met along the road of life, even those we might not have kept up with otherwise. Even though it can be fun to receive a text, tweet or social media shout-out on your birthday, there is something special about having friends go above and beyond. Birthdays are something to be celebrated and often the acknowledgement alone is enough.

Even so, here are eight fun, inexpensive ways to wish a friend happy birthday:

  1. eCards
  2. : Sure, this option does not take a lot of time, but it shows an extra effort that a text just doesn’t convey. There are thousands of free cards available online with countless messages for every occasion, birthdays included. Not only that, but you can choose from humorous, spiritual, serious or sentimental messages and themes. Your friend is sure to appreciate the energy that went into choosing the perfect card for him or her. Don’t forget to include a personalized message at the end.
  1. Custom photo birthday cards
  2. : Create cards as personalized as your message. It’s always fun to choose a photo of you and your friend – something that defines or represents your friendship – and then include a note about how special your friend is to you.

  1. Customized candy labels
  2. : What says “happy birthday” more than a chocolate bar? But not just any chocolate bar – one with a personalized candy wrapper. Design a label with a cute message, something like “Hope you have a sweet birthday” or “John’s Chocolate, sweet since 1974.” 
  1. Stationery
  2. : Create specially designed notepads or other stationery for your friend – this doesn’t have to be expensive. Include your friend’s name on the notepad or something he or she really likes. Then, instead of buying a card, write a special message on the first page of the notepad. 

  1. Gift cards
  2. : Who doesn’t love a gift card to their favorite restaurant or store? These make the ideal gift and you can make it for any amount that fits your budget. Even a $5 gift card to your friend’s favorite coffeehouse will be appreciated. Many gift cards come with an envelope or sleeve where you can write your birthday wishes.
  1. Flowers
  2. : If you want an extra-special way to wish a friend happy birthday, send flowers. You usually get a free note with the delivery so your friend knows who sent them and why. What birthday girl doesn’t love being surprised with roses on her special day?
  1. Video
  2. : Even though texting and tweeting can seem run of the mill when it comes to birthday wishes, that doesn’t mean technology can’t be used to make the wishes more special. Make a video wishing or singing happy birthday to your friend, then send it to his or her phone/email or post it online. Your friend will appreciate the extra effort that went into your wish.
  1. Handmade cards
  2. : Some people are not so talented with crafts, and if that’s you – it’s okay! But for the DIY guru, handmade cards are a fun and creative way to say happy birthday. Whether you’re into stamping, scrapbooking or just crafting in general, there are a ton of great card ideas on the Internet. Plus, this is a great way to involve your kids in wishing your friends and theirs happy birthday.
Wishing a friend happy birthday doesn’t have to break the bank but it can still be creative. With a little brainstorming and thought, you can make your friend feel extra cherished on her special day.

Author Bio: Heather Hewitt is a seasoned writer and guest author who enjoys connecting people with thoughtful products, services and ideas as they relate to crafting, photography, gift giving and personal expression.

I hope this got your wheels turning for the next time you have to run out and get a gift. These suggestions are not limited to just Birthdays. You can send any of these to someone for a quick "pick me up" or just to let someone know you are thinking of them.

I'm off to run some errands now! I hope y'all enjoy this beautiful Saturday!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Jess had seemed to be making some progress in his lower back issue. His disk went back into place but the pain moved down into his butt cheek. Weird, I know but the Dr. said that it was normal for this to happen we would just have to wait on the pain in his butt to subside. Yesterday his butt loosened up but the pain went back up to his back. I can't imagine how defeated he felt because when I read the text message he sent me saying what had happened I was pretty down myself.

On the scale of what could be wrong, this is not that bad. I am still looking to the positive and just hope that he heals fully. Testiness is the theme in the Todd household these days because we both pretty much deal with situations the same way. I want to blink and this issue be gone for the sake of me being a "fixer" and that is just not going to happen. So I am just asking God to heal him and I know he will, waiting in him during this time makes things a little bit easier.

On a lighter note there are only 19 games left in the season. While I was pouring my coffee this morning I began to feel sad. I have enjoyed this season so much and the women and children I have been able to meet. One of my favorite baseball sayings is "The only thing certain in baseball is that there is nothing certain", so whether or not Jess signs with Detroit again I know I will see these ladies somewhere down the road. I wish each of the women I have met through this life knew just how much they have impacted my life. No matter the measure of time, large or small spent with them each one has changed me somehow. That is so beautiful to me.

Sorry this post is so all over the place. I just wanted to update y'all on Jess' back so y'all knew where he was at. I hope y'all are enjoying the heat down in Texas. We are averaging 50's in the morning, 70's during the day and then back to 50 something at night. It is glorious Fall weather and I. LOVE. IT. I need the Pumpkin Spice Latte in my hand and I would be in heaven! Literally!

Happy Hump Day!


Saturday, August 10, 2013

4 Day Road Trip Recap

We arrived back in Toledo after a 3 1/2 hour drive from Indianapolis at 3:15am. After those long drives I can't even believe we drove that far, that late, but I am so thankful God got us home safely. The life of baseball entails long drives, checking out of hotel rooms early on the getaway days, killing time in random places and lots of late night drive thru eating.

I have enjoyed these last 4 days so much and my heart has felt so full. The old me would be plagued by Jess' injury and worried sick about what the future held, but not this time. I have a sense of peace right now and I am clinching hard to it. I want to share a few of my favorite scenes from the past couple of days. Each one has filled my heart and I feel so joyed to have been able to experience each one of them.

Faith cheering on her daddy as he pitched the second game in Columbus.

Brunch with my babe in Indianapolis....
 ....our brunch, yum!

Me double fisting these sweeties during yesterday's festivities. 

Faith watching a movie in my lap while I was watching our game, doesn't get sweeter than that! Faith and her mama are some of my favorites and I enjoy spending time with them so much!

These days are dwindling down for this season as we only have 23 left. I know when we are old I am going to look back on these times and remember just how wonderful they were. This season has been a beautiful one and I am so thankful to have been a part of it.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I want to start out by saying thank you for the prayers! I know every one of you have been praying hard for us and we appreciate it more than I could ever express to you.

After two rounds of MRI's, the doctor diagnosed Jess with a slipped disk in his lower back. Right now they are projecting him to be out 2-4 weeks so he might be back at the end of the season! I have been praising God for this diagnosis and am so thankful that we now know what it is and why he is in so much pain.

 We had to leave out on a 4 day road trip today so we stopped for a donut date before getting on the road. He is actually able to sit now with minimal pain! So that has been a blessing! Plus donuts can turn any day around, am I right??

Again, thank you for the prayers! I know they each had a hand in Jess' diagnosis and his move forward in getting better. 

We are in Columbus for a 2 game series and then head on to Indianapolis for 2. This season is coming to a close and I can hardly believe it!

Talk to you soon!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

The DL

This summer I haven't really shared much of what is going on statistically with Jess or how he has been doing. The main point of the blog to start with was to share all that but I have found something so peaceful about not posting every stat, knowing every batter Jess faces or how many K's, BB's or hits he's given up.

Being the wife of a athlete I am very superstitious (or stuperstitious as Jess would put it). Jess has done very well this season and I think he finally feels like he is making a comeback. I didn't want to post on here about his successes or losses because I didn't want to "rock the boat" if you know what I mean ;)

Well, our boat got rocked a little right after All-Star Break. Jess has always dealt with Bicep Tendinitis and it flared up when was put into the game consecutively after having 3 complete days of no throwing. Like my bio says "Live and die every pitch with me", well I live and die every pitch with that sweet man and let's just say I was just as disappointed as he was when he had to tell the trainer he didn't feel right. I wasn't disappointed in him, I was disappointed for him and I am a "fixer". That is what I do, I fix things and this I could not fix. God graciously healed his shoulder after rest and treatment but his first outing after being activated to play after 7 days, Jess hurt his back. He ran to back up home plate while he was pitching and stepped wrong. I didn't notice that it even happened!

When he came out of that clubhouse, bless his little heart he looked like a Peacock. He couldn't walk without sticking his chest out. I, of course sprung into action! I went straight to Wal-Mart and got heating pads and heat packs that stick to your body. Today is the 3rd day of his injury and they have placed him back on the DL (disabled list). He has a MRI tomorrow and they hope to see that it is what they think it is which is a muscle strain. He says it's getting better but I don't know if that is true or not. I am just trying to stay positive for him because he is pretty down about all this happening at the end of the season. So many things are plaguing his mind right now so I am reminding him of the good things and not let him stress his body out more. Some positive things he has going for him is that he has a had a wonderful season and God is good. All the time. I've struggled this week with feeling like things are spinning out of control but that is my own fault. God has got this situation and all situations in our life so I just need to let go.

Sorry for the "Debbie Downer" post, I know it's a sour way to wrap up the weekend but I just wanted to share what is going on in our lives right now. I know I don't even have to ask but if y'all think about it will ya say a little prayer for Jess? Just that he relax and let God take care of this situation. It would be greatly appreciated!

I love y'all and hope the weekend was a fun one!


Friday, August 2, 2013

Dinner at Ditka's!

Jess' coach played in Chicago for a number of years so he pointed us in the direction to have the best dinner while we were in town.

Mike Ditka's!

The menu offered was pretty much anything but they specialized in steaks! I enjoyed the Lobster Mac and Cheese while Jess of course ordered his mainly steak! I am a carb queen and have no problem admitting it so if Mac and Cheese is on the menu, it's what I'm getting!

After dinner we walked around the Magnificent Mile again and then headed back to the hotel around dark. It was such a nice little vacay!

Happy Friday!


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chicago Day 2

Our second day in Chicago started with a river tour!

Once we were done with the hour long tour we boogied on over to Navy Pier! 

I was so excited to get on the Ferris Wheel there, Jess had other feelings about it. He got on it though, such a good sport that man is!

We headed to eat at Bubba Gump's on the Pier for lunch! It was delicious and as you can see we chowed down!

We were absolutely stuffed after lunch so we decided to walk to Millennium Park! It was quite a hike and there were tons of people out vacationing as well so it took about 25 minutes to get there. It was well worth it though. 

The Bean!

It was so cool under that Bean. We were drenched after walking and needed that bit of coolness before we overheated. Believe me, it was that hot! The Faces at Crown Fountain was just around the corner so we headed over there after our photo sesh at the Bean. We watched the kids play in the water and watched the different faces pop up on the towers, it was such a neat experience.

We were pooped after that and went back to the hotel to shower and take a nap. Jess' coach made dinner suggestions so we had a nice dinner planned for the night and needed some rest before we did that.

Back tomorrow with the conclusion of our Chicago trip!
