Monday, December 16, 2013


With all that has been going on with building the house I have been unbelievably busy! Jess came home on November 15th and I think things got even busier once he was home. I had another reason as to why I wasn't posting......


I am due June 2, 2014! We found out 5 days before Jess left to Venezuela that we were expecting! As I sit here and type this post I still can't believe that I am finally going to be a mommy!

We tried for a little over a year and a half and I will save that journey for a whole other post because right now I just want to share the good news!

I am 16 weeks today and here are my stats so far!

How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Unknown, we have our appointment on the 30th.
Weight gain: Again, unknown. My doctor has not told me and I haven't asked.
Maternity clothes: None yet because I really haven't started to show. I do think I need to start wearing some looser tights, my regular ones squish the somewhat bump (bloated) I have. 
Stretch marks: So far none have appeared but I am using a really good stretch mark cream by Mustela.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Some nights are great, others my back hurts and I get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: I had a dream that I had the baby, I had not seen it yet and when they wheeled it in it was a girl and she was the most beautiful, chubby, smiley little thing. My heart was so full! It felt so real. (side note: we don't care what we have, all we want is a healthy baby!)
Worst moment this week: I live in fear that something will happen to my baby so at least once a week I panic about if that something were to happen.  
Miss anything: No, I love being pregnant!
Movement: I haven't felt anything yet. I hope to have a bump and feel some kicks soon!
Cravings: Chicken strips, gravy, french fries, catfish, potato soup.
Queasy or Sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Our house being finished!

I hope that y'all are enjoying the holidays with y'all's family and soaking up every minute. We cannot wait until next Christmas! The baby will be 6 months old and we are so excited to start Christmas traditions of our own!