Currently-we are cutting two top teeth in this house. This has resulted in late night screaming (at the top of his lungs) throwing paci's out of his crib and scaring the bleep out of mom and dad. We have given him Motrin and lots of extra snuggles so hopefully the pain will be over soon. They are at least out of the gum and poking through so I am thinking he will have some relief within the week.
Currently-Titan is loving mac and cheese, he would eat a whole box if he could I'm sure. He isn't really coming around to his sippy cup though. At first he was taking it well but now not so much. I am worried that it's going to be a harder transition than I thought. He is still eating oranges like they are going out of style. Gives open mouth kisses, which is super cute to me and Jess but won't be super cute once he does it to someone who isn't mom and dad. Last week we thought he said Dada and today he said "Mom" clear as day but I don't think he meant to.
Currently-we are still in Florida. Praying God gives us news sometime soon. My mother in law sent me a picture message that said "If the door won't open, it's not your door". I have been repeating that to myself ever since. That and "Your will God, not mine". Even though I hate to admit it, there is obviously some growing that needs to be done on mine and Jess' part. People always say God makes us uncomfortable in order to transform us into the people we were meant to be. And I'm ok with that I just wish I knew what it was that I needed to change. Time will only tell ;)
Currently-T's birthday is coming up and I haven't started on anything. I knew this would happen. This is the busiest time of year for us, why in the world did I not start ordering decor in October? I know exactly what theme, cake, food and festivities I want to have. It's all just a matter of getting it done.
Currently-Jess' birthday is 5 days away and I am really trying to make it special since it's looking like it might just be us 3 celebrating. We already got him a birthday gift, I just want to do something extra fun and extra special for him since it's been a little bit of a rough month.
I know this was not my typical post but I just wanted to share what was current with us. I want to give a shout out to whoever left a comment on my last post. It was left anonymous so I don't know who left it but I want you to know that it didn't go unseen and I appreciated it so much. He is powerful and I know he is working on our behalf and everyone in this world's behalf. Thank you for the reassurance and reminder.