Tuesday, April 28, 2015

11 Months!

What an amazing 11 months it has been!
Take 1...
Take 2...
Got it!
Titan is now a walker. He falls a lot but it hasn't stopped him from getting back up and going! I think it hurts me more to see him fall. 

Favorites: Mac and cheese, spaghetti, sweet potatoes and cheerios. We rung in 11 months with an ear infection so he is rejecting his absolute faves (which are eggs and oranges) right now. 

Toys: Baseball, any type of ball, touch and feel book, bat and car.

Weight/Height: 21 pounds and 30.25 inches long. He is wearing size 12 months and 12-18 months.

Words: Still babbling. He said what we think was "dada" twice but hasn't said it again. 

Popsicle heaven ;)
T is on the mend now so hopefully over the next week he will be completely healed. Ear infection's are so terrible. I feel so bad for him!

I hope everyone's Tuesday went well! Happy Hump Day tomorrow!


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Under The Same Moon

My mother and I watched a movie called "Under the same Moon" years ago. It was one of the sweetest, saddest movies I have ever seen. It was about a woman and her son who had been separated while the mother was trying to come to the U.S. for work from Mexico. The mother wrote her son letters and told him that they were closer than he thought because they were "under the same moon" and that when he got sad just to look at the moon. The mother and son ended up reuniting years later and it was such a heart warming, triumphant story that I still love today.

This past week we left Jess in Florida and came home to wait things out. I don't know if many of you have stayed in a hotel for an extended amount of time with an 11 month old, but we could tell it wasn't working for us. We spent our final day there celebrating Jess' birthday and eating all his favorite things. Once it was time for us to go to the airport we were all pretty sad and we could both tell Titan knew something was up.

Saying "bye" is always hard for me. Every season before I cried after Jess left for the road trips, I cried super hard when my family left me and Titan in Reno last year to be with Jess for the season and I cried when he left us at our gate that night. "Bye's" are hard. Especially now with Titan, not knowing when we would be all together again was emotional but then I reminded myself of what I say when I miss my family. "Erica, they aren't that far away. We are under the same moon." So I told Jess and Titan the same thing and at night when I get sad I literally go look at the moon or take Titan to the window to look for it. It might sound dumb but it makes me feel better.

Being back home has been so nice! Titan has had some adjustment issues to our house but I think he is getting better. He is kind of confused as to what is going on and I am afraid he has inherited a trait of mine that hates a lot of change all at once. Hold on baby boy this ride will only get more fun. I can't wait until you and I venture to all the ballparks!

He turned 11 months today but I will update y'all on that tomorrow. Sorry I have been MIA. I have been shuffling back and forth from my house to my parents house so I have had little time to blog. Thank you for reading though, you will never know how much it means to me!


Thursday, April 16, 2015

A letter to myself

I had been throwing around topics I wanted to write about last weekend when the thought of writing a "letter to myself" came to mind. So, so much has changed in the past year and motherhood has broadened so many horizons along with humbling the sh** (forgive me Jesus) out of me.

I honestly laugh sometimes at how I have bent or broke when a situation arises and I said I wouldn't do this or that when I had a baby.

So, here it goes....

Dear pre-judgemental, pre-kid Erica,
I know you are thinking that you are still going to be able to do it all once you have a baby, but your not. Go ahead and start cutting yourself slack now because this will make that blow a little less hard if you do. You're no longer going to be able to take an hour gym sesh 4-5 days a week so enjoy it now. Getting the laundry done and put up will be a huge victory for you once the baby is here. I really don't know why but it will be. The amount of days that you wear make up and "real" clothes will drop to a staggering one to two times a week. Ok, three times a week. All of your clothes will be somewhat ruined, stretched out or stained from that sweet babe constantly pulling, grabbing and wiping stuff on you. Showers will take on a whole new meaning for you. They will be somewhat holy. Sleep deprivation won't be the same sleep deprivation you suffered from in college. This kind is the real thing. That paci you so ugly talked about will end up being your best friend and all those times you judged other mom's and dad's in the grocery store or at a restaurant will come to bite you in the butt. In these instances you will learn what survival mode really means and just "pick your battles". Some days and nights will be harder than others. I can tell you now that you are going to fail majorly at being a parent. You are going to see just how weak you really are. As pre-judgemental, pre-kid Erica this is going to hurt you because you try your hardest to do everything right. You cannot worry though, in every wrong you do there will be a right that washes it out. You see, I am writing this to you from the future. I am doing all the things you said you wouldn't do. Being a parent is so hard, but being a mother is amazing. You would be so proud of yourself even though you are doing all the things you said you wouldn't. You love your baby something fierce. His cheeks and tiny teeth make your heart flutter and any time away from him feels like a lifetime. You are a tad bit overbearing but I think you will mellow out over time. Every day is a learning experience so don't be too hard on yourself. Especially in the beginning. And enjoy the struggle, before you know it he will be grown and you won't know what to do with yourself.

post-baby Erica

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Currently-we are cutting two top teeth in this house. This has resulted in late night screaming (at the top of his lungs) throwing paci's out of his crib and scaring the bleep out of mom and dad. We have given him Motrin and lots of extra snuggles so hopefully the pain will be over soon. They are at least out of the gum and poking through so I am thinking he will have some relief within the week.

Currently-Titan is loving mac and cheese, he would eat a whole box if he could I'm sure. He isn't really coming around to his sippy cup though. At first he was taking it well but now not so much. I am worried that it's going to be a harder transition than I thought. He is still eating oranges like they are going out of style. Gives open mouth kisses, which is super cute to me and Jess but won't be super cute once he does it to someone who isn't mom and dad. Last week we thought he said Dada and today he said "Mom" clear as day but I don't think he meant to.

Currently-we are still in Florida. Praying God gives us news sometime soon. My mother in law sent me a picture message that said "If the door won't open, it's not your door". I have been repeating that to myself ever since. That and "Your will God, not mine". Even though I hate to admit it, there is obviously some growing that needs to be done on mine and Jess' part. People always say God makes us uncomfortable in order to transform us into the people we were meant to be. And I'm ok with that I just wish I knew what it was that I needed to change. Time will only tell ;)

Currently-T's birthday is coming up and I haven't started on anything. I knew this would happen. This is the busiest time of year for us, why in the world did I not start ordering decor in October? I know exactly what theme, cake, food and festivities I want to have. It's all just a matter of getting it done. 

Currently-Jess' birthday is 5 days away and I am really trying to make it special since it's looking like it might just be us 3 celebrating. We already got him a birthday gift, I just want to do something extra fun and extra special for him since it's been a little bit of a rough month. 

I know this was not my typical post but I just wanted to share what was current with us. I want to give a shout out to whoever left a comment on my last post. It was left anonymous so I don't know who left it but I want you to know that it didn't go unseen and I appreciated it so much. He is powerful and I know he is working on our behalf and everyone in this world's behalf. Thank you for the reassurance and reminder. 


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Splash Pad and Farmer's Market

Thursday we actually attempted the Zoo in 90 degree weather and let's just say that Titan was less than impressed with our parenting choice for that day. So Friday we tried to make it up to him and take him to a Splash Pad nearby. Unbeknown to us there was a Farmer's Market going on at the park the Splash Pad was in. This was a major bonus because let's face it, everyone loves Farmer's Markets! Especially us!

The picture above is right before he stuck his face in the water. The one below is his reaction to it. 
Even though you can't tell, he loved it! He makes you work for a smile so we knew that he was having a blast when he started screaming when we tried to dry him off to leave.

We had lunch under one of the pavilions once we were done playing in the water. Jess got some bar b que and lobster mac and cheese. I opted for dessert and got some homemade cookies from this cookie bar. There were so many colorful and good looking veggies and fruits there. The whole park smelled fresh and yummy! We are thinking of going back this Friday!

I hope y'alls week went well!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend

We kind of had a rough beginning to the weekend on Friday morning. As I said last week we were gearing up to leave Spring Training and head north for the season. Before I go on, let me fill you in on some things that will make this easier to understand. Jess is a Free Agent, so this means when he signs a contract with a team he isn't guaranteed a job, he must show up and compete for one. I'm sure you are thinking that seems fair, yeah me too. I agree. So with how his training went we felt pretty confident in his chances and didn't really stress too much about the what if's. He had a wonderful Spring, he really did. Every outing (excluding his first one) was spot on. Even his games in the big leagues were great but with impending releases, cuts and the setting of rosters the final day of camp came.

He always texts me after he has breakfast to see how we are in the morning so he had let me know that he was in the clear and his name was on the list for Triple A. Around 9:30 my phone rings and it's Jess. I knew that was odd because he never calls unless he's on his way home or there is an emergency.

He basically said that they didn't have room for him in Double A or Triple A but asked him stay in Florida for a few more weeks to see if any moves were made that would make room for him. I know at first he was very shocked and his pride was for sure wounded. He had to pitch in a game that afternoon so I made sure to be uplifting and positive instead of jump on the hurt feelings bandwagon with him. I just really want God to guide us so I am trying with all my heart to really accept things as they come even though it has been really hard for me to watch Jess be so down and out about the whole situation. I was waiting to hear that Earth shattering advice from God after all this happened but it dawned on me Monday afternoon that maybe I should take the advice from my favorite verse and just "Be Still". There is nothing I can do to help, change or solve this situation so I cannot sit anxiously figuring out a way to. I need only to be still because the Lord will fight for me(Jess).

Easter Sunday:
Most Easter's are spent traveling to the next city, checking into hotels or unpacking and getting settled in a new place. This year we celebrated by going to a Church by our house, having lunch and then making rice crispy treats together afterwards. It was a very fun relaxed day and we missed our families a ton! 

I love the statement "He is Risen". There is definitely a world's worth of hope in that statement for me. And I love Easter, I think it is one of the most underrated holiday's. One of the most important yet underrated and under celebrated. 

I hope y'all had a wonderful Easter and having an even better week! 


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hello April!

April is here! I cannot even believe it. Less than a week for Opening Day and just about 8 weeks until T is 1. This has been the fastest year of my life. I remember being in high school wishing the years would pass faster so that I could go off to college and get away from my parents watchful eyes. Umm, what was I thinking? Now I am longing for the years to be longer!

We have a busy next couple of weeks ahead of us. In my previous post I said that our car would be shipped anywhere from the 2nd to the 4th but that fell through today. As we were heading out to Jess' game I got an email with the news. In normal baseball fashion I was scrambling around all afternoon trying to figure out how to get our car across the county. What a lot of people don't understand is that baseball doesn't take holidays. We have one holiday and that is All-Star Break. Can I get an Amen? Jess plays 142 games within 152 days. Once Spring comes around we are non stop until September or October. So with Good Friday on Friday and Easter on Sunday we are in a bit of a bind but I think I found a company that is willing to help us out. The man was nice and his sister's name is Erica so I think he favored me a little ;)

With that off my list of to-do's for this week I can focus on the million other things I should be doing. I am sure something else will come busting at the seams but that makes it all the more adventurous! One thing that is still on my list to do is make another list of all that I will need for T while we are on the road for the next couple of weeks. I am an avid list maker, I NEED to see it written down. I just have to. I plan on sharing all that I plan on carrying with me with y'all just in case y'all have little ones y'all will be traveling with soon. Things are definitely more Titan centered verses my husband and self centered. I did get myself and Jess a little something though to keep us calm and steady during these next few months.

It's called a Baseball Lacelet and they are made by a baseball wife and her sister. The baseball wife's husband is actually on Jess' team this year which I thought was pretty cool.  Jess' is black and says "I press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Phil. 3:14 and mine is tan and says "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14. We need little reminders every now and then and I feel like this is a good way for us to always see it. You can find all their products here. I did the create your own but there are other options already made up for you to choose from and products as well. I highly recommend getting one! We love ours!

Before I go I have to share this picture of T and Jess. The one on the left T is 3 weeks old at his very first baseball game. The picture on the right T is 42 weeks old (9 1/2 months) at his first Spring Training game. Obviously a huge difference. I can't wait to compare the picture on the left at a year!
I hope y'all have some fun plans for Easter this weekend! 
