Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 7

Today we have officially been here for a week! My allergies are finally clearing up (knock on wood) and I think we are finally adjusted to the time change and all the other things we were adjusting to. My sleep habit has gotten a little better but not back to where it was. I think ultimately why I cant sleep is because I forgot my "baseball pillow" at my parents house in Ennis. I do not let many people know this but I dont/cant sleep without it. I am realizing now that it is next to impossible to do so. Growing up I didnt have this problem of having to sleep with a pillow. I developed this Freshman year of College when I met Jess. He had to sleep with this pillow that Memaw made for him between his legs and when I spent the night (No this is not X rated Chris and his gf slept in the same room as us so there was no whatever is going thru your mind going on. How dare you think Im that kind of girl :)) I would sleep with his Jess' baseball pillow because I didnt have any other pillow and because Jess didnt share. He needed all 3 regular pillows to himself. When he got drafted he left the "baseball pillow" with me as a somewhat parting gift I guess?? Kind of like giving someone a lock of hair, No? Ok, well that is what started my habit. After he left I slept with it every night since then. I even lost it once in an airport and I searched high and low for a new one. Long story short I need it to sleep so my mother is sending it out here to me so hopefully once it is here I will be back to getting a full night of z's! Thank you mom!

This week has been nice, I have gotten ahead in my Microeconomics class. My brain actually feels like its on Microeconomics overload! I am happy to be ahead though, to me its a good feeling. Other than that we have spent our week learning new card games. Well Ive done the learning Jess is doing the teaching. I actually beat him today so I was happy, before he knows it I will be whooping his butt! Jess has also gotten ahead in his Call of Duty playing. He has played so much this week that he has moved up 20 ranks! He is the ultimate killer! (Sounds bad, I know)
Jess "Doin Work" as he says on Call of Duty
Me "Doin Work" Lol :)

I am looking forward to the weekend, one of the player's wife's and I are going Hiking in the morning so Im excited about that. I hope yall enjoy the weekend!

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