Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quick Trip

On Tuesday morning we headed to Columbus Ohio for a quick 2 day series! Since that is our old stompin' ground we love going back. Pretty much all of the wives and girlfriends make the trip down to Columbus since it's only about a 2 hour drive.

Usually when we go there we see our good friends the Lindsey's and some of Jess' old teammates. It's such a bittersweet thing but it's nice to reminisce about our time there, see our old apartment and eat at all of our fave places there.

I had only been back in Toledo for 24 hours before I had to repack myself and Jess so we could head out. As I write this post we are already back in Toledo! Yeah, it's been a pretty fast paced last couple of days and I'm hoping to sit down soon and write something you want to read about. I have a couple of topics already brewing!

For now I will leave y'all with a mini version of Letters. I hope y'all enjoy!

Dear Husband,
THANK YOU so much for my flowers. It was such a nice surprise to walk in to an apartment that had fresh flowers on the table. You are such a good man and I love you with every single fiber of my being.

Dear Mom,
Hang in there. I know some days seem absolutely hellacious but you are doing the best you can and that's all that matters. I know grandma appreciates everything you are doing for her.

Dear house in Austin,
You are officially no longer ours. We really loved you and know that you will make your new owner just as happy as you made us. It wasn't you, it was us. We just prefer the views of open pastures and 1 or 2 stop lights in the town we reside in. Things are better this way ;)

Dear God,
Please be with our dear friend's Hannah and Jade tomorrow. Please guide the doctor's through Jade's surgery and please give both Jade and Hannah peace during this critical time. Please do your will for them and see them through. Thank you for already guiding them in the right direction.

Dear Readers,
Thank you for reading!

Happy Hump Day!


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