Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The end of Spring Training and 30 weeks!

This is the last full week of Spring Training. Saturday all the players will disburse to where they are going to start the season with hopes to get "moved up" soon or to just survive where they are.

Every year when this week approaches it is an "out of body experience" for me. Each day that passes brings stress and worry and a whole other recipe of (pain in the ass) antics. I can hardly sleep through the night now anyways due to visiting the potty 3 times and now I can't sleep due to excitement/worry of what the coming day might hold.

Like I have mentioned before, baseball isn't just baseball to us anymore. Baby T puts a whole new spin on things. So with the closure of Spring Training upon us I am going to not only give y'all a 30 week update, I am also going to share an open letter to my husband.

So here it goes....


As your 8th season approaches us fast and the birth of our first child is on the horizon I need you to know that this season will be different from any of the others before. Gone are the days of us eating dinner in a random restaurant at midnight, gone are the days that we (both) sleep until noon on travel days and gone are the carefree fun things we might choose to do just because we can and do not have anybody else to keep up with besides ourselves. I am sure you are thinking "well that stinks!' but this season will be the most special to me for what it will lack and what will be added. We have prayed hard and long for this sweet baby and God has given him to us. I need you to remember His faithfulness when the days are long and grim and you feel like you can't go on. You not only hold the title of pitcher and husband, you are now a daddy. I cannot wait until the baby is here and he can see how devoted his daddy is to his job and how hard you work at it. I swear some days when I drop you off at the field I want to burst into tears because I know how much you love your job and how trying it is on your mind. I cannot wait for him to see that, for him to witness passion, devotion, love and hate all in one. I do not worry for him because I know that he will see these qualities in you and will grow to be a strong man like you, persevering and fighting for his inning to be pitched in the big leagues. I need you to press on when you feel like you can't anymore because I know God will have you back in the big leagues. He has given us everything else we have asked for, so you just have to believe.

When I began this journey with you at 19 years old never would I have thought we would have experienced the things we have or been to the places we have been. The only word I can use to describe my life with you is Blessed. And the use of that word is an understatement because I honestly feel that we have been taken care of and in the hands of God through this entire journey.

A lot of things will be subtracted from our lives but I will tell you SO MUCH will be added. Whatever this season entails you need to know that your son and your wife do not define you by what happens on your job. Your stats, velo and ERA mean nothing to us. The team you play on is just your employer not your set destiny. Keep on throwin' hard, striking them out and doing what you love. You have two people in the stands who's lives you light up no matter what happens. So feel no pressure! Have fun, daddy.

Good luck to you as the season approaches. I have total faith that you will get where you want to be in and we will be there cheering you on no matter what.

Psalm 27:14, Genesis 28:15, Philippians 3:14, 1 Samuel 1:27

I will love you forever and I am so thankful to be your wife.


How far along: 30 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: Around 13 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Yes!
Stretch marks: None so far.
Belly button in or out: Pretty much an outie.
Sleep: Back to being so-so....
Best moment this week: Baby T was in his first wedding!
Worst moment this week: His movement was off during the weekend due to me being on the go and I did NOT like that.   
Miss anything: Redbull when I needed a pick me up for the wedding.  
Movement: Yes!
Cravings: French fries!
Queasy or Sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Packing this place up and heading to Reno!


It has been a busy past week but now I can relax until I go home to have the baby. Congratulations to my BFF on her wedding! She was a stunning Bride!

Sorry for the overload of a post. I just figured I would pile everything into one since I probably won't post again until Monday due to traveling.

Have a lovely week!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Getting Registered!

We were finally able to get our registry done! I still have things I want to add but overall, it is complete! 

Registering for a baby is (a hell of a lot) harder than registering for your wedding. Gone are the days of scanning the things that look cool or for things that we want for no reason! This chapter of our lives requires serious registering. The kind where you spend hours reading reviews, researching how heavy things are and what hazards they might have. 

We finally left BuyBuy Baby 2 1/2 hours later, exhausted and somewhat lost. I also might add that Jess' back hurt from all the thinking and putting things together/taking them apart. Hopefully all the research we did will pay off and Baby T loves everything we picked. 

I didn't have a chance to snap a 29 week picture last week because I had a lot to do before I headed off to Dallas. The next post will definitely entail a 30 week update and all that my weekend had to offer. 

I am back in Arizona now and we are rounding out our last days here. It's hard to believe that opening day is less than a week away. I cannot wait to dress Baby T up for one the most important days out of the year next year!

Happy Tuesday!


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3rd Trimester!

The day has come! I am officially in my 3rd Trimester! It is bittersweet for this mama-to-be. I am going to miss his kicks so much once he is here but know I will be so excited that he is actually HERE. Goodness, I love him so much it hurts. I can't even watch commercials on TV about children without bursting into tears. My mom reassures me that is part of being a parent. Everyday terrors of something possibly happening to your child haunt you. She said you learn how to manage and now I know exactly what she went through and still goes through with me and my sister. 

Pregnancy hormones probably have nothing to do with all the emotions, I am sure of it ;) I sort of blame it on all of the upcoming events of this month. We have begun our housing search for the season and that is always a situation that is a tad bit stressful. I hope to get something locked up soon. 

In other news I have been feeling pretty good! Drinking water is still hard for me because it makes me pee every 5 minutes and that is pretty annoying when you are at a baseball game. Jess has been doing well, praise The Lord. He is so good to us! Here are some pictures from his last outing. 

Watching this man walk off the field once he was done pitching tugged at my heart. Now what he does for a living isn't just for the two of us, it's for the baby. I can see the whole new way he looks at his profession now that he is a soon to be father. 

I will spare y'all anymore mushy stuff for today and give y'all my 28 week update!

How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: I stay off the scale so I won't have an update until I see my OB again. 
Maternity clothes: Yes!
Stretch marks: None so far.
Belly button in or out: A little more out than in now ;)
Sleep: It has been better, now I just go to the bathroom 3 times a night.
Best moment this week: Good results from my glucose test!
Worst moment this week: Feeling overly emotional, I don't really like that.  
Miss anything: Nothing really this week. 
Movement: Yes!
Cravings: Still PB&J's!
Queasy or Sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Registering, we plan to get that done in the next couple of days. 

I hope anyone who is on Spring Break is enjoying their vacation!


Monday, March 3, 2014

27 weeks

27 weeks....the last week in my Second Trimester.

I am actually pretty sad that it's flying by so fast but on the other hand I am one week closer to meeting my sweet karate-chopping baby.

It is all so exciting for me that I could honestly be brought to tears. This baby is so loved already that I already can't imagine our life without him.

How far along: 27 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: I stay off the scale so I won't have an update until I see my OB again. 
Maternity clothes: Yes!
Stretch marks: None so far.
Belly button in or out: Still half in and half out. 
Sleep: It's better but I can't seem to get enough. 
Best moment this week: His constant kicks! I love to feel him move!
Worst moment this week: Having to use the ladies room every 2 secs! 
Miss anything: Missing fish again.
Movement: Yes!
Cravings: Back to the pb&j sandwiches. 
Queasy or Sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: The third trimester.

Jess also made his debut with the Diamondbacks this weekend! It was a very exciting day for us and his BFF Josh was here to witness it with me. 

He had a nice inning with a strike out, groundout, walk and flyout. All in all a nice day at the office, as Jess would say ;)

Y'all have a great week and stay warm! I hope just as bad as y'all do that the winter weather goes away!
