Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3rd Trimester!

The day has come! I am officially in my 3rd Trimester! It is bittersweet for this mama-to-be. I am going to miss his kicks so much once he is here but know I will be so excited that he is actually HERE. Goodness, I love him so much it hurts. I can't even watch commercials on TV about children without bursting into tears. My mom reassures me that is part of being a parent. Everyday terrors of something possibly happening to your child haunt you. She said you learn how to manage and now I know exactly what she went through and still goes through with me and my sister. 

Pregnancy hormones probably have nothing to do with all the emotions, I am sure of it ;) I sort of blame it on all of the upcoming events of this month. We have begun our housing search for the season and that is always a situation that is a tad bit stressful. I hope to get something locked up soon. 

In other news I have been feeling pretty good! Drinking water is still hard for me because it makes me pee every 5 minutes and that is pretty annoying when you are at a baseball game. Jess has been doing well, praise The Lord. He is so good to us! Here are some pictures from his last outing. 

Watching this man walk off the field once he was done pitching tugged at my heart. Now what he does for a living isn't just for the two of us, it's for the baby. I can see the whole new way he looks at his profession now that he is a soon to be father. 

I will spare y'all anymore mushy stuff for today and give y'all my 28 week update!

How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: I stay off the scale so I won't have an update until I see my OB again. 
Maternity clothes: Yes!
Stretch marks: None so far.
Belly button in or out: A little more out than in now ;)
Sleep: It has been better, now I just go to the bathroom 3 times a night.
Best moment this week: Good results from my glucose test!
Worst moment this week: Feeling overly emotional, I don't really like that.  
Miss anything: Nothing really this week. 
Movement: Yes!
Cravings: Still PB&J's!
Queasy or Sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Registering, we plan to get that done in the next couple of days. 

I hope anyone who is on Spring Break is enjoying their vacation!


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