Monday, June 4, 2012

June?? Already??


Can it really be June Already? Really? It can't be!

It seems as though life has been in fast forward mode since we left Spring Training. I feel like I am constantly asking myself and others if it is actually the month or day of the week it says it is on my calendar. Jess says that we are "old" and that is why the time is passing by so fast. He thinks that we are aging at a rapid speed I guess? Little does he know life has just begun :)

This past week my baby sister graduated High School. I came in on Tuesday because she had what we call "Senior Parties" every night of the week up until Graduation on Friday night. The week was filled with a lot of emotion. Good emotions, bad emotions and some sad emotions as well. Those of you who know Emily know she is probably the most unique person you will ever meet. She has the crazy ability to not see bad in anyone. She is forgiving, funny, strong, devoted and most of all harmless. We worry more about her when truth be told she should be the one worrying about us! High School was hard for my sister, and yes I know High School is hard for everyone but in particular my sister had a very rough 4 years.

Emily is different but the same. It is hard to explain to someone if you don't know her but at the end of the day it shouldn't matter. She is still a person with feelings and does not deserve to have her flaws magnified everyday of her life when she has no control over how she is. To her she is normal but sees how kids brand her as an outcast. Does she hold it against them? Nope! They are all her friends! They love her in her eyes.

So this week was particularly hard on my mom. She just wants Emily to be accepted and included. As a sister it is hard to watch so I know that as a mother it is even harder. Most of Emily's High School experience was spent at home watching tv in her room alone instead of hanging out with friends. It's sad but I feel like God had and has a purpose for not having her out with those "so-called" friends she once had. I have come to terms with it and I feel that Graduation solidifies a new start for my sister. I could not be more proud of her. She is stronger then I will ever be and I know that only wonderful things lay ahead in her future.

Here are some pictures from her parties this past week....

70's Party!

This is Carly, she is a very sweet girl. Emily went to prom with her and some other kids too. I am grateful that there are still good-hearted people out there in this world. Especially at the young age of 18. 

There was a dance contest between all the best dressed nominees, Emily was one of them!

Casino Party!

Playing some Blackjack! 

Black Light Party!


Making her way to her seat!

About to get her diploma!

Emily and Carly after Graduation!

My mom and Emily

Me and my sissy!

Dad and Em

Morgan and Emily

Family Pic at Graduation!

After Emily's Graduation we had Old Mexican Inn cater and we had family over. It was a nice get together that lasted until around 11. Everyone was so happy for Emily and she felt very special.

Tomorrow I am headed to Austin after being in Ennis all week. I will be there for a couple of days trying to piece our house together. The goal is to have it living "comfortable" for when Mr. Todd has his All-Star break. I am going to try but I am very limited with time.

I hope the teachers in my family are enjoying the summer! For the rest of you I hope you are staying cool in this horrible heat!

Stay tuned for pictures of the house. You know I LOVE to decorate!


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