Friday, May 29, 2015

Titan Turns ONE!

The day came! My little T turned one and I swear he grew up over night. Anyone else feel that way? Like their baby didn't really look like a "baby" anymore?
Why does this happen so fast? I swear just the other day I was turning on the blow dryer to calm his colic. Now he's eating popsicles and chicken nuggets! I am telling you, my heart is breaking. I know he is still a baby but really he isn't. He's doing things on his own and way more mobile than a little, tiny babe. 
Titan's One Year Stats:
Weight: 20 pounds 14 ounces
Length: 30 inches long
Walking: Yes
Talking: A little, still babbling and singing more than anything.
Favorite Foods: Mac and Cheese, oranges, cheesy eggs, toast with lots of butter, strawberries, chicken nuggets, crackers, baby cheetos and cheerios. 
Favorite Toys: Radio Flyer tricycle his Nana and PawPaw bought him for his birthday, bath toys, bat and ball and books-any kind. 
Sleep: His sleeping is still not good. I have finally realized he will never be a good sleeper.

The day of his birthday Jess was scheduled to throw so we started the day off with some donuts! After a late lunch Jess headed to the field and me and T played until it was time to get ready for the game. 
 Watching Dad get ready for his game!
 After the game the other kids and mom's sang "Happy Birthday" to T and we had cupcakes!
It was such a wonderful day and I am so thankful to have such a supportive family and baseball family!

Happy Birthday, Titan. I am so proud to be your mama! You are such a blessing!


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Road Trips

It amazes me how I cannot remember life before T. I have no idea what I did when Jess went on the road pre-baby? Workout? Sleep? (should of done more of that, for sure!) I know some trips I went with him but for the life of me, since we barely survived this road trip, can remember what I did before.

I wish I had a lot of fun adventures to share with you but since T was sick and in no mood to even play we kept it very low key. He was very moody and rightfully so. We did manage to go to a few places and get him some cool puzzles and new books!
These 3 were some of my favorites when I was little!
T was in HEAVEN at Barnes and Noble! I think he loves the smell of books like I do! I was just glad to see him smiling and enjoying himself. I pray that he is on the mend and the ear infections stay far away!

What is everyone doing this holiday weekend? Our Memorial Day festivities will continue to be low key but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate what the holiday stands for. Thank you to all the men and women who serve and defend our country so that we may have FREEDOM. THANK YOU!

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

First Cake!

My mom threw Titan a small Birthday party during the last week before we left. It was nothing huge but she still managed to get her decorating on!
(hot and sweaty aftermath)

He absolutely loved cake but wasn't really a fan of ice cream! I think it was just too cold for his liking.

We also got to spend some time with my grandma who suffers from Dementia. She really enjoyed Titan and they both gave me a hard time by boycotting their green beans during lunch. It was precious to see them sit at lunch together. She kept trying to get him to drink his cup of milk so in normal fashion he showed off and would take a sip so she would sing praise. I'm glad we got that time with her, it was a nice visit for us and her.
Mother's Day fell on the day before we left for Rhode Island so it was a pretty busy day. I cannot believe I have been this nugget's mom for almost a whole year. God is so good, y'all. He sends these little pieces of heaven down for you and they change your whole life. Some days I really believe Titan is the one taking care of me, not the other way around. 
I am getting lots of extra cuddles and snuggles these days. We are battling our second ear infection in a month. I have whipped out my oils and even added a new one to my stash this go around in hopes that these infections hit the the road! We smell like an old lady who has been making garlic breadsticks all day but if it works, it's worth it. Plus I love garlic breadsticks! 

Tomorrow is HUMP Day! Woo, woo!


Monday, May 18, 2015

The Gypsy Life

I swear I do not mean to go more than 4 days without writing a post. It just happens that way these days. If you have been reading for a while you know that my hiatus' come and go (more than I would like) but they happen and then I am back to regular programming just to end up on another hiatus.

We have moved again and are now reunited with Jess in Rhode Island! We arrived last Monday just as he was starting the game! We actually missed the first half of the first inning but we got to see him pitch the next 4 innings so that was good!

Sooo let's see, we left Florida on the 28th of April. Since then me and my trusty co-pilot scoured back and forth between my house and my parents house. Jess ended up staying in Florida for a week before being promoted to the Triple A Pawtucket Red Sox. I feel like this whole season has been a "God" season. He is doing things only he can do and I feel so much peace in where we are at. Jess has gotten a couple of opportunities to be a starter and after 7 seasons of being a relief pitcher this has been such a blessing and something only God could be responsible for. Faith is moving mountains for our family and I pray that God continues to work in our lives.

The gypsy life has been hard on T. He isn't easily adjusting at all. I remember packing up our apartment, driving 6 (or 10) hours to another state, unpacking the car, showering and making it to the game by 7 just a few years ago. It is amazing how attached babies and children can be to things. It is really showing me to slow down. Take advantage of the moment and to be all there. Sometimes while traveling that can be hard because I tend to have the mindset of "hurry up and get it done"-especially since it's only me and T. So for now we are taking it slow, and I am ok with that.
With "Paws" at Dad's game!

Over the next couple of days I will fill y'all in on all we did while at home for almost 3 weeks. Titan had an early Birthday celebration and his 1 year pictures so I will share a few!

I hope Monday has been good to you!

Thank y'all again for reading! I really, really, really, REALLY appreciate it!


Monday, May 4, 2015

Veggetti and Carry on, Warrior

Last week I made some really great purchases. One of them being the Veggetti! Yes, I am talking about the infomercial "Veggetti". It is amaze and I can't express enough how much I love this little gadget! I love pasta so to incorporate some healthy eating I had back to back days of zucchini "pasta". I could honestly eat it every. single. day.

Sorry that I don't have a picture to show off the deliciousness, but I promise once me and my fellow gypsy (baby T) stop traveling so much I will post a recipe I threw together that ended up being a hit!

The other awesome purchase I made was the book Carry On, Warrior. I love it because it is raw and real. I feel like these days Instagram and Facebook has a way of making you feel as though you "aren't doing it right", aren't doing enough and that "they" have it all together. It's God centered and it is just a great reminder that YOU are not alone. I encourage everyone to read it!

It is Titan's BIRTHDAY month and we are celebrating everyday!

 He has mastered the "say cheese" face.
He had just crushed a grilled cheese sandwich. After battling a double ear infection this mama is happy to see his appetite back. 
He had just eaten some dirt :) looks like he liked it!

I hope your Monday was good and May the 4th be with you!