Tuesday, March 31, 2015

10 Months

T turned 10 months last Thursday! My parents flew in on Wednesday so we were busy, busy until they left Sunday morning. This explains my absence last week ;)

10 Months
Walking: Somewhere between 9-10 months, Titan decided to start taking steps. So far he is getting better every day and the amount he takes at once so I feel like it will be NO time before he takes off!

Food: We started table like food when we got to Florida. I decided it would be a good idea to start the process because we will be traveling a lot and carrying jars and jars of baby food just isn't possible. I still supplement with baby food if I feel he hasn't eaten enough "food" that day but his favorites are as follows: Oranges, grilled cheese, toast with butter, mum mums, pasta, green beans, juice from a grapefruit, smoothies, yogurt and sometimes chicken. 

Toys: Still loves the green ring, baseball bat, ball, tractor and books.

Size: He is wearing 12 months and 12-18months. We haven't weighed him since his 9 month check up but he was 19.8 then and he feels heavier now so I'm guessing he's gained a few pounds. 

Words: He hasn't actually said mama or dada yet but he is waving, clapping "yay" and gives high fives. If he's in a good mood he will give you a kiss ;)

Saturday was the last full day my family was here so we went to the beach and walked around. It was kind of chilly for T so we just walked by the water and let him swing at the park that was right on the beach. He is growing so so fast. I can't say it enough.
Sunday Jess pitched so after the game me and Titan played in the grass while we waited for him to be done. He is in a stage where he thinks EVERYTHING needs to be in his mouth, no matter what it is so I had to watch him close or else he would be eating lots of grass. 
We are in our last few days of Spring Training and we both feel really good about how it's going. Having T here to experience all of this was the cherry on top for us and we know we will look back at all these pictures and explain to him where we were and what we were doing with so much love and contentment because we have waited for this time for a very long time. 

I am looking forward to Easter on Sunday but until then I need to start getting packed up! Opening Day is right around the corner!


Saturday, March 21, 2015

He is good

I am going to share a little bit of my heart with you today.

There is no doubt in my mind that my husband has had an amazing career in baseball. He has had opportunities that many people do not get and I am so very thankful God has blessed him (us) in this sport. If you asked my husband he would probably say a little different of his career. Since 2010 he has been plagued with feeling as though he has failed all the while statistical wise he has prospered. You see, baseball-which is just a recreational sport for some, a summer event for others is our lively-hood. One man's home run which is a huge gain is another man's error.

A game. 

Something that is just a "game", past time for most has been lucky for us my husband's job for going on 9 years. It hasn't been easy. Lord knows, nothing is. But in the grand scheme of things we have been so blessed. This offseason Jess went back and forth on whether a team was going to call or not. We kind of started to prepare ourselves with what we were going to do if no one called. I remember watching him throw and thinking to myself "this can't be happening, someone has got to call". I prayed, my parents prayed, Jess' parents prayed so I knew we were covered in that department. Honestly, at one point I don't really know what I was scared of. We have God's promises. He will never leave us nor forsake us so regardless of Jess playing baseball or not we were (are) going to be fine. Of course there would be adjustments but I am convinced that I only want what God has planned for me and my family because his plans are far better than my own.  

I have been rigid with anxiety over the years. Mostly because I have cared what judgmental people have thought about me, about my husband and his stats. It is finally clear to me that what others think of me is none of my business. Shame on me for feeling so insecure for such a petty reason. There has not been one day that I have not been proud of Jess. I don't know how he goes out there and does it. Thousands of screaming people focused on you and what you are about to do, gosh it can be scary. I guess that is why God put me in the stands to watch instead of be watched. Good call, God, good call.

I think back to that first season I started traveling with Jess. At that point in time he was ranked in the top 100 (I think) of Baseball Prospects and projected to do amazing things that year. I remember seeing the wives, their kids and thinking to myself "I can't wait for that to be me". Baby on my hip, watching Dada from the stands. It would be glorious! Nice condo by the field, just an easy walk over. Ohh it would be amazing! All of things would accompany Jess in the BIG LEAGUES of course. (A little superficial, huh) Well fast forward to 4 teams and years later. I finally have that baby on my hip (a story for another day) and we have that place close to field, just a short walk over and we are waving at Dada and cheering for him from the stands. All the while Jess is not in the BIG LEAGUES and hasn't been since 2010. It dawned on me the other day that God has always given me everything that I have wanted. It may not be the exact way I wanted it but he has blessed me and blessed me more than I deserve. I have no clue why because some days I have been way less than faithful. Like, way less than faithful! But he has been faithful because he is GOD. He is good and he loves us. It may be hard to see the rainbow when you are sitting in the storm but God blesses us because he is God and he only wants what is best for us.

As you know, Jess signed with the Red Sox this season. As a free agent you aren't guaranteed a job. You must show up and "fight" for a job like everyone else. Minor league games started on Wednesday and Jess was scheduled to throw. He wasn't pleased with his outing at all and felt a little defeated. I think he used the word "chunked".  "I chunked the ball, Erica. I did terrible", were his exact words. With it being the first game of Spring and his first outing, he wanted to make an impression but it really didn't go that way. I felt all over the place at the game. My emotions were a little off and I could feel that I didn't trust that God was there with me. I felt guilty that I didn't trust him enough. When I know all that he is capable of. I do this often, not just in baseball. I fly off the handle when things get hairy. I panic and get scared. I just have to remember to be still. God has got this.

So today I just want to testify that if you don't know God, please get to know him. I am sorry if this offends you and if you don't read my blog anymore but I have got to share the good news. I can't sit here and say that if at the end of Spring Training Jess doesn't make the team I won't shed a tear, feel a little lost or be sad but I can say that I know what is coming will be amazing because the one who holds my future is amazing and I trust he has our back. And this post isn't just about God blessing me. There are a lot of things in my life that I don't understand and struggle with but I rest in God for those things. Please do not get the impression that things are all peachy and perfect in my life because that just isn't so. I pray that this post came across as what I intended it to be and that is an encouragement to get to know our Lord so that you may have rest.

He is good and never fails.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Current Faves

I swear since we have gotten to Florida Titan has changed so much. We literally put him to bed one night and the next day he woke up a toddler.

He has taken about 6 steps in the past week. It probably has a lot to do with most of the rooms in our condo being tile and that can be super painful on your knees if you crawl on it all day like he does. Regardless, I see us having a walker soon. Happy and scary thoughts enter my mind when I think of T walking. How can he possibly be at this point already?!?

He is getting better everyday at feeding himself and we are trying to transition from baby food to table food. I feel like now is the time since we have so much traveling to do in the next four months so him eating more of what we can share would make things a lot easier.

BeechNut Baby Food: I do still feed him baby food on occasion. So if he's not "feeling" what I made or if he can't have what we are eating my "go-to" foods are BeechNut baby food products. They have a variety of different jarred foods and also these awesome pouches. There are no additives, just plain old fruits and veggies. I love that! I also love that the pouch is helping T learn how to hold his food while he sucks it. Sucking can be tricky for a almost ten month old as I have learned with a sippy cup in the past. 

Smoothies: This child loves smoothies. We have two recipes that are pretty much the same but we alternate different fruits if we aren't feeling like one over the other that day. 

1/2 cup Non Fat Plain Yogurt
1/2 cup Apple Juice
1/2 cup Blueberries or Strawberries
1 Banana 
8-10 pieces of ice
Then mix until it's all smooth! 

Sometimes we add an orange for extra flavor too! 

Sunshine: T has been enjoying the nice weather just as much as we have! 
This little nugget is growing up so fast. I can hardly stand it! I am so thankful that we can all be together during this time. Baseball is grueling enough on the mind and body. It would break Jess' heart if he weren't able to watch our little man grow. So thank you, God. For blessing my family and for allowing us to spend this time together.

I hope y'alls week is shaping out nicely! Only 3 more days until the weekend!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Baseball Season Adjustment

*This post was supposed to been posted on Thursday but since my trusty internet failed me and never loaded, you're getting it today ;)

Growing up, I never liked change. Even now, I really don't like change but with the craziness of this life, I have come to accept (somewhat) the inevitable.

Now with T having to adjust and accept the change in schedules things are a bit more tricky. We have been doing the baseball thing for years but this is the first season with our little man so I am going to share some of the things I do to get through our time here.

One: I have been wearing out my Peace and Calming essential oil at bed time so that T feels calm. He has always been a terrible sleeper so anything to make him feel more comfy is helpful. So if you haven't jumped on the essential oil wagon, do it! ;)

Two: We packed (against my husband's will) a lot of T's faves. A walk behind walker, all in one playhouse, books, shapes and farm animals. I think this has helped him feel more "at home" during the day.

Three: I really try my hardest to stay consistent with the days. It is really hard but Jess needs rest at night in order to get up early for Spring Training and Titan doesn't do well if he doesn't have consistency.

Four: We go on walks! It breaks up the monotonous of the day and I get some cardio ;)

My little milk baby is turning into a little sun bunny. He is really taking to Florida and I really am thankful for that. He does miss his grandparents, aunts and cousins though! 

Like I said above, this was a post that was meant for Thursday, this PAST Thursday! So I am so sorry for that!

Happy St. Patrick's Day and look for another post tomorrow!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Liebster Award!

I have questioned myself if whether or not anyone was really reading my blog and to much surprise my sweet friend Stephanie from Love My Life with Twins has been keeping up with me and nominated my blog for the Liebster Award!
I am so honored Stephanie! And I am so thankful for your time in reading my blog! 
Once you are nominated you have to answer these questions!

1. Why did you start blogging? 
I started blogging so that our family could keep up with everything that was going on with my husband's career. It also helped my parents "see" where I was and all the places I was getting to go. I kept a journal for a long time at the beginning of our marriage. I am a pretty deep person so I want/wanted to remember every season of our life, spiritually and career wise. 
2. Pick one word to describe yourself.
3. If you could change something about yourself or your life, what would it be?
I would let go of things easier. I tend to hold onto things whether that it be something that wasn't meant for me or something that I failed at. 
4. What is your favorite food?
Everything! I don't have one specific type that is my favorite over all the others. I will say dessert is up there on the list though. 
5. What is the last movie you saw in theaters?
American Sniper. My husband is obsessed with being a Navy Seal. He said if he wouldn't have met me he would have quit baseball a long time ago and enlisted. 
6. What is something most people don't know about you. 
I am super sensitive. I have always been that way since I was little. 
7. What is your favorite quote. 
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."
Exodus 14:14
8. What does a typical day look like for you?
Everyday is different but most days start with feeding T then myself. We play and then he eats actual breakfast. We play some more then he naps (hopefully). When we wakes up I change his clothes and try to get out the door for the day.
9. If I could travel anywhere, where would you go?
I have always wanted to go to Europe but recently I have decided I want to go to Jerusalem. There are so many spiritual places I want to see there. I want to go and feel the presence of God and see the places where Jesus walked. 
10. What do you do when you have a day to yourself?
I have no idea!
11. What do you value most in life?
I value being with my family the very most in my life. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family and I love spending time with them. God has blessed me so much in making them mine. I know this is probably a wide umbrella but I honestly value being with family over anything.

11 Random Facts about Me
1. I only drink and eat after my husband and son.
2. I love to run!
3. Reading is something I love to do too but I rarely have the time anymore. 
4. I hated my name growing up because everyone had it. I have a best friend named Erika. Mine is spelt with a C and hers with a K. 
5. My parents made me go to Junior College verses a University and I hated them so much for it. Until I met my husband there ;)
6. We struggled to get pregnant. It was really hard on me. T was worth the wait, though.
7. My husband has been with 6 organizations in 9 seasons of being a professional baseball player. So we have moved over 20 times during those seasons.
8. I have one sister and we both begged our parents to have a boy but they never did. I am guessing me and my sister were enough for my parents to put up with ;)
9. I have a super smart mouth and have a tendency to cuss but I love Jesus so much!
10. I love rap music, sorry. I can't help myself when I hear a song I sometimes break out in dance moves. 
11. I have the same 4 best friends since High School. We are each very different but I think that is what makes us click. 
I now nominate
1. The Buck(s) Stops Here
2. Pots, Pans and Paintbrushes

Please answer the following questions.
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. How do you choose your topics?
3. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
4. How many children would you want to have?
5. What are your favorite TV shows?
6. What is your favorite food?
7. What are your hobbies?
8. What is your favorite quote?
9. What is your favorite recipe to make?
10. What are your long term goals?
11. Use one word to describe yourself.

I would totally renominated Love My Life with Twins but I am guessing she wouldn't want to answer the questions again ;)

Happy Friday Eve!


Monday, March 9, 2015

Sanibel Island Fun!

Jess had a short day of work on Saturday so we hit up one of the nearby beaches! It was about a 45 minute drive to the quaint Sanibel Island.

Being that March is the month for all Spring Break's, we figured it would be packed with college kids, wine coolers and loud music. We were pleasantly surprised that it wasn't and enjoyed a nice quiet day at the beach!

So, so serious ;)
The water was FREEZING so we didn't get in. Way too cold for the babe and I didn't mind not freezing my buns off ;)

So far we are really enjoying Fort Myers. I am still on the hunt for a Panera Bread but they have a Target, Moe's and Chic fil a so 3 out of 4 ain't bad!

We are sending warm vibes in hopes that the crappy weather ends soon for y'all soon! 


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

16 Hours

16 Hours...the number we spent driving in the car from Texas to Florida. With a 9 month old, I might add.
Yes, me and my husband are nuts. That is definitely clear. Titan was exceptionally good considering he hates being in a car seat. We guesstimated that he cried probably an hour the whole car ride. This was because I was literally bending over backwards trying to keep him happy. BUT we made it safely so I am praising God for that.

We arrived Sunday afternoon and Jess had his physical Monday morning. I found out online that the stadium has a Farmer's Market on Mondays so while Jess went to get his physical done, me and Titan explored the market and walked around the stadium.

(the green ring is still being held captive by T)

Titan was less than thrilled to take pictures with me. He amazes me sometimes with just how somber he can be. I am going to be the embarrassing mom who takes a million pics at everything he's involved in. This is just the beginning, baby!

Yesterday we hung out at the pool for a little while. We are the youngest in our community by 40 years so Titan is getting quite the attention when we are out and about.

My heart smiles every time I look at this sweet boy. It is so hard for me to think in 3 months he will be one. What an amazing 9 months it has been this far. 

Happy Hump Day from T! We send warm fibes to y'all freezing in Texas!

