Tuesday, March 31, 2015

10 Months

T turned 10 months last Thursday! My parents flew in on Wednesday so we were busy, busy until they left Sunday morning. This explains my absence last week ;)

10 Months
Walking: Somewhere between 9-10 months, Titan decided to start taking steps. So far he is getting better every day and the amount he takes at once so I feel like it will be NO time before he takes off!

Food: We started table like food when we got to Florida. I decided it would be a good idea to start the process because we will be traveling a lot and carrying jars and jars of baby food just isn't possible. I still supplement with baby food if I feel he hasn't eaten enough "food" that day but his favorites are as follows: Oranges, grilled cheese, toast with butter, mum mums, pasta, green beans, juice from a grapefruit, smoothies, yogurt and sometimes chicken. 

Toys: Still loves the green ring, baseball bat, ball, tractor and books.

Size: He is wearing 12 months and 12-18months. We haven't weighed him since his 9 month check up but he was 19.8 then and he feels heavier now so I'm guessing he's gained a few pounds. 

Words: He hasn't actually said mama or dada yet but he is waving, clapping "yay" and gives high fives. If he's in a good mood he will give you a kiss ;)

Saturday was the last full day my family was here so we went to the beach and walked around. It was kind of chilly for T so we just walked by the water and let him swing at the park that was right on the beach. He is growing so so fast. I can't say it enough.
Sunday Jess pitched so after the game me and Titan played in the grass while we waited for him to be done. He is in a stage where he thinks EVERYTHING needs to be in his mouth, no matter what it is so I had to watch him close or else he would be eating lots of grass. 
We are in our last few days of Spring Training and we both feel really good about how it's going. Having T here to experience all of this was the cherry on top for us and we know we will look back at all these pictures and explain to him where we were and what we were doing with so much love and contentment because we have waited for this time for a very long time. 

I am looking forward to Easter on Sunday but until then I need to start getting packed up! Opening Day is right around the corner!


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