Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, Monday....

Whew! How about that weekend? I dont know about yall but the rain that we had all weekend long sure did make for some days full of watching Bathtastic! and House Renovations on the DIY channel. I like days like that though. Its nice to leisurely get stuff done around the house while catching some informative shows about fixing up houses and also getting started on my classwork for the semester. I dont know if all of you know but I am going back to school. If and when the occasion occurs I want to be prepared to get a good job. Yes, I could always be a Paralegal but being a Paralegal didnt make me happy. I realized that once I was working as one and had already finished school! I dont want to have to go back to being one if the event occurs that I have to get a job. So I am taking the opportunity now to go back and get a degree in Business. Business is so broad and Jess and I have so many ideas of what we want to do when he retires and having a degree in Business will come in handy with those things. I am blessed enough to be able to go online and be with Jess while he pursues his career and that is so invaluable to me. This semester I am taking Microeconomics....EWW! I was very good in Economics in high school so I figured this would be a breeze. Ehh, not so much! The class officially doesnt start until tomorrow but my Professor has all of our work posted for the semester already. I was like "Oh yeah! This is great! I can finish all the work before the semester is over and then pick up another class! This is going to be awesome!" Then I clicked assignments, opened one, started it. Opened another, did it. Got to the 3rd one, It was MATH!!!! MATH?!?!?!?! What does Economics have to do with MATH?!?!?! Apparently my husband is smarter than I am because when I screeched from the shocking sight of Math problems on my page he said "Erica, all Economics is; is Math". I almost fainted, my heart was beating out of my chest. My palms were sweaty, I wanted to cry! Another little fun fact about me is that Math makes me sick. No, really it makes me sick! I dont get it, once I see it somewhere its like my brain turns off and goes to sleep. Numbers look like Japanese sign language to me. I dont get it and I never have. I come from a long line of over-reactors so the first thing I did was throw a humongous fit. Yes, I know sounds juvenile but I am very anal about my GPA and the thought of a bad grade makes my skin crawl! Now I know how my mother and father felt when they received my grades after my first semester of college. YIKES! Like my mom still says today "Its a little different when your paying for it." That lady knows what she is talking about because I know if I do not get a good grade I get so mad at myself because the money was wasted unless I pass. So, after I was done overreacting and throwing myself into the walls and onto the floor I did what I always do and introduced myself to the teacher and let her know that Math is not my strong point and that if it was a huge part of the class I was going to be asking a ton of questions. Thank goodness she replied quickly and said to not be discouraged Microeconomics does deal with math but not an overwhelming amount. She assured me I would do fine, my blood pressure then returned to a normal level and I now feel better about the course. I am also talking a Concepts of Fitness and Wellness class. I am looking forward to that because we are pretty active people and I would love to know more about what is good for us and what is not.

After my little scare from my evil nemesis Math I needed a pick me up. I have been eyeing this cake recipe for about 2 weeks now and I thought I should make it. All my teeth are sweet teeth and nothing puts me in a better mood than a good ole dessert! Its called Pig Cake. The Pioneer Woman-(who I aspire to be like) posted it on her website and it looked like it was to die for. I do our grocery shopping for the week on Monday so while I was there today I got all the stuff to make it. It was delicious! Its a yellow cake mix with mandarin oranges mixed into it, while the icing is cool whip with 1/2 a cup of powdered sugar and crushed pineapple. It is AMAZING! I will put the link to the actual recipe I used so yall can take a gander at it if yall want! I had to restrain myself from eating more of it tonight after dinner! Jess loves the icing, its light and it just tastes so good! Hopefully I can make it for you all one day. Until then I hope yalls MLK day was a good one!

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