Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Bird, an Indian, a Cain and a Bird again....

"Who says you cant go home again?" read a headline on This was referring to my husband being returned back to the St. Louis Cardinals Organization and it brought tears to my eyes along with a huge grin. I couldnt believe he was going back! The thought of "God is too good" repeated over and over in my head as I read the rest of the article. Jess had been designated again by the Yankees on May 12th so this meant we had to wait until May 16th at 1pm to find out if he was being out-righted back to the Yankees or if another team wanted him. I had went home to visit my family because Jess was going on the road for 8 days and we couldnt move into our apt until June 1st. As soon as he called me I quickly got back to Scranton so we could wait together. The infamous "designation vacation" (what most people call being designated) was starting to get old. We had already went to the movies, shopped, went to the spa and had really nice dinners so we had really exhausted all options. The weather was crappy so we couldnt really go outside and enjoy the views of PA so we did a lot of eating and sleeping. We actually ran around this mountain that our hotel sat on one day. I of course thought in my head it was going to be a walk in the park but it WASNT! My husband and his athletic butt had no problem but I did! It was fun though, we push each other and it makes working out fun and less boring.

Monday which was the 16th finally came and we tried our hardest to sleep until almost 1pm. That didnt happen! I had prayed constantly throughout the night and was too excited to sleep. We watched the news and were on our computers when 1pm came and went. I could tell he was upset that noone called yet so I said "Hey! Lets go eat lunch" Jess agreed and we went. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of Panera Bread his phone started to ring. I felt relieved and scared all at once. It was Brian Cashman on the phone and he had good news for Jess. He told Jess that the St. Louis Cardinals had gotten him back and they would be calling shortly with details. I could tell a huge weight had been lifted off of Jess' shoulders. I cried because thats what I do and he just smiled so big! The assistant GM finally called around 6pm and by 6:45 we had that road hot! We were out of there! The South was alive again and we were going back!

The drive we made on Monday, we drove all the way through!

Looking back on the past month instead of feeling beat to death I feel humbled. After many days and nights of crying episodes, (no Jess never saw me cry) I feel unbelievably strong. I kept telling myself no matter what happened that God only gave you what you could handle and he thought we were strong enough for the situation we were in. I know what we have been through this past month in no way compares to other things and situations people are in daily but it hasnt been a walk in the park. Sitting....waiting....Jess not being able to play....waiting more....sitting more....GOOGLING Jess' name trying to find out what the heck is going on takes a mental and emotional toll on you. I can say that our parents are incredibly supportive and give wonderful advice. I know we couldnt get through this without them. I am unbelievably blessed and will never ever forget this lesson in my life. It has shaped me and molded my heart to appreciate things way more.

Jess was traded July 29, 2009 to the Cleveland Indians which began his detoured route to get back "home". When he was traded we were in New Orleans on the road and couldnt have been more happy! My sister was visiting us that week so she happened to be there when Jess called me with the news. I remember that day like it was yesterday and now almost 2 years later our route has led us back to where it all began. So thats how a Bird, an Indian, a Cain and a Bird again will always have special places in mine and my husbands heart.

I will post about our new apartment soon! I will be moving in and getting everything set up tomorrow! Cant wait!

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