Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mackinac Island Pt. 3

Our third day on the island we took it upon ourselves to explore the outer regions. After breakfast we took a carriage cab up to The Grand Hotel and toured that. I say that we toured it but since you have to pay $10 a person to tour it and no one was there to take our money or guide us through the hotel we just browsed around ourselves and took in the views that the hotel had since it overlooked most of the island.

Once we were done there we headed over to the patio to have a few drinks and appetizers before we took our own carriage around the island. We knew that since we had the carriage for 2 hours we were going to work up an appetite before getting back so we made sure to fuel up!

Dad and Emily "driving" the carriage.

The next way of transportation we hopped on were bikes! I had been waiting to get myself on a bike the entire time we were there! I was sooooo excited to get my pink beach cruiser!

Our last day on the island was more like a half of a day so we hit up the last few places we didn't see then headed out on the ferry back to Mackinaw City at 12:30pm.

My parents want to go back to Mackinac every summer now. My mom cried when we left, it was kind of like last year when she and my sister had to drag me out of the hotel in New York. I was sobbing like a maniac because I didn't want to leave. This time it was her we were begging to stop embarrassing us.

I would suggest Mackinac Island to anyone who wants to get away and enjoy the simple way of living for a couple of days. No cars, just bicycles, horses, carriages and the good ole fashion foot to get around on.

Jess and I are now gearing up for a 4 day road trip and the All-Star Break! We are going to Chicago for the break and I am SUPER-D-DUPER excited about it! I cannot wait!

I hope y'all are enjoying y'alls week this far! Happy hump day! ;)


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