Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Jess had seemed to be making some progress in his lower back issue. His disk went back into place but the pain moved down into his butt cheek. Weird, I know but the Dr. said that it was normal for this to happen we would just have to wait on the pain in his butt to subside. Yesterday his butt loosened up but the pain went back up to his back. I can't imagine how defeated he felt because when I read the text message he sent me saying what had happened I was pretty down myself.

On the scale of what could be wrong, this is not that bad. I am still looking to the positive and just hope that he heals fully. Testiness is the theme in the Todd household these days because we both pretty much deal with situations the same way. I want to blink and this issue be gone for the sake of me being a "fixer" and that is just not going to happen. So I am just asking God to heal him and I know he will, waiting in him during this time makes things a little bit easier.

On a lighter note there are only 19 games left in the season. While I was pouring my coffee this morning I began to feel sad. I have enjoyed this season so much and the women and children I have been able to meet. One of my favorite baseball sayings is "The only thing certain in baseball is that there is nothing certain", so whether or not Jess signs with Detroit again I know I will see these ladies somewhere down the road. I wish each of the women I have met through this life knew just how much they have impacted my life. No matter the measure of time, large or small spent with them each one has changed me somehow. That is so beautiful to me.

Sorry this post is so all over the place. I just wanted to update y'all on Jess' back so y'all knew where he was at. I hope y'all are enjoying the heat down in Texas. We are averaging 50's in the morning, 70's during the day and then back to 50 something at night. It is glorious Fall weather and I. LOVE. IT. I need the Pumpkin Spice Latte in my hand and I would be in heaven! Literally!

Happy Hump Day!


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