Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Go Big Blue!

Hey y'all!

I know that I just went "viral" yesterday but is it too early for me to ask my fellow readers for a favor?

Our cousin is a coach here in Austin at Reagan High School. If you don't really know much about Reagan the one thing I personally can tell you is that the Varsity Football team's record has been less than par for the past 10 years. Anyone that lives in Texas knows that those "Friday Night Lights" are important to everyone come Fall so a High School that doesn't have at least one good sports team doesn't really rally many fans let alone athletes.

I also know that Reagan is for lack of a better word a "less than desirable" school to attend and unfortunately the athletics there haven't been payed much attention to. This year that all changed! With a fresh new Football Coaching Staff including our cousin (Pat Bailey) things have changed and only for the better!

Reagan was chosen to be in a contest Sports Illustrated was doing called "Underdogs". The "Underdogs" contest is a chance for Reagan and 9 other schools to get their story out. Sports Illustrated traveled to each of these 10 schools and did a short video over them. The videos show the trials and adversity these schools had to overcome and what makes them each individually special. Starting tomorrow you can log on and vote for which school you think should win the "Underdogs" title. The voting will go through 11:59 pm on November 15, 2012 and you can vote once a day from an email address or IP address. If Reagan wins this contest they will get a 25,000 grant for the athletic program and a trip for 10 to the Sportsman of the Year Celebration that is held in New York in December. How absolutely amazing would it be for those kids to get to experience something like that? The grant would help out the department in so many ways and would show the kids that people do care about their school and their athletics.

I am going to attach the email Pat sent out today so that just in case my persuading skills above didn't convince you to vote you will for sure vote after reading his email and watching the short 10 minute video. When I watched it I was so touched by what Pat and the coaching staff at Reagan is doing.

Dear Friends,
This year at Reagan has been a huge blessing to me personally. I never thought that I could feel this rewarded and make this much of a difference . If you haven't been keeping up with us this year we won Reagan's first varsity football game in 17 games on homecoming. This past week we won our first district game. This is more wins than Reagan has had in the past 3 years combined. We still have a great chance to win two more and get into the playoffs. This is something that hasn't happened in 10 years. All of this has only been possible because of God's guiding hand and people (many of you) who have proven to these kids that they care about what is going on at Reagan. Sports Illustrated came out of the blue (no pun intended) with this chance to get our story out. Additionally, Nike for the first time ever, sponsored 3 high schools in the United States, one in Hawaii, one in Pennsylvania, and Reagan High School in Austin. If you haven't seen the video watch it and I'm sure the kids will win you over. God is doing great things at Reagan and this will be just another example. The willingness of these to work hard and respond coaching in very difficult situations is something I have never seen in my 5 years of coaching. If you feel inclined spread this around to anyone and everyone. Be an example and show our kids what is possible when a group of people come together with a common goal that is selfless. This vote of confidence could do more for these kids than any of you could imagine. The link is below.
Patrick Bailey

If any of you know Pat and Mandy personally you know he is a joker who is always giving Mandy a hard time. When Jess and I witnessed Pat in action on the field coaching we had never seen him in that light before. He is truly passionate about his students and really wants to make a difference for them. Please find it in your heart to head over and vote for not only him but for these kids. The video will bring you to tears (I know this personally) and will show you just how much your vote matters. Heck pass on the link to this blog and spread the word about Reagan to everyone you know! Every vote counts! Plus you don't even have to go to a booth and vote, you can do this from right where you are sitting!

Thanks for visiting my blog today! I hope y'all have a happy Wednesday!

Oh and GO BIG BLUE! :)


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