Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tips and Tricks to a Healthy Lifestyle

As many of you know me and Jess are always on the go! (That rhymes, haha!) Our travel schedules are pretty demanding so being able to maintain a "healthy" way of eating can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. Jess being an athlete makes this even more of an issue because what he puts in his body effects his speed, velocity and overall strength. I want to share with y'all today (if y'all even give a rats ass ;)) how we stay on track.

Like I shared before this past offseason instead of doing the plain clean eating Jess decided to adopt the Paleo Diet. In my opinion if you chose to adopt this same diet I recommend throwing everything you have in your pantry away. Paleo or "Cave Man" diets pretty much consist of meat, eggs, fish and nuts in a nutshell (haha, nuts in a nutshell. I'm on a roll today!) But really, those are the pillars of the diet. ZERO carbs. Like I have said before this girl will not forfeit carbs, I just can't do it. I literally plan on taking a baguette from Panera Bread and chicken strips from Chic-fil-a 6 feet under with me when it's time for me to chunk the ace deuce. So you can see that I am hopelessly devoted to all things carbohydrates.

Carrying on....

Since I had a no carb eater in the house I eliminated them so that he didn't feel deprived or tempted when he was hungry. I did a lot of research of snacks he could have so that if hunger struck he would be able to put something substantial in his body verses something that would just fill him for the moment. I also went to Barnes and Noble and sat there for a good hour and half researching Paleo Cookbooks. I have cooked many things out of the cookbook I found that day and some things have even became staples in our weekly menu. With about a month interruption due to going overseas to play ball and of course the Christmas Holiday eating Jess has stuck with the Paleo Diet. He will be the first one to tell you some days it is terrible but he has gotten so much stronger in his workouts and since taking care of his body is such an important part of his job it has been completely worth it.

Tips and Tricks

1. Plan out what you are going to eat for the week. Plan your breakfast, lunch and dinner and then make your grocery list. I find going to the grocery store on Sunday very beneficial because you are set for the week and don't have to think about going again and you are better off actually eating healthy if you already have all the ingredients in your pantry and refrigerator.

2. Drink plenty of water. We by nature need water! Not only does it help with digestion it makes your skin so much healthier and reduces flaky, dryness.

3. Have a cheat day! We LOVE our cheat day! Pick one day a week where you eat what you want. This reduces the feeling of being deprived and will help you stay on track.

4. Think realistically. Don't try and cut out everything in the beginning and burn yourself out. Take it slow.

5. Eat breakfast. I am not a breakfast eater, it throws my day off and I just can't do it. It is known though that eating breakfast helps with weight loss so get that metabolism jump started in the a.m.!

6. If you plan on eating out check out the menu online to the place you are going (if you know where you are going). This will help you make better choices once it comes time to order. Most restaurants offer a low cal or low carb menu now days.

7. Educate yourself. If you don't know the first step in trying to obtain a healthier lifestyle go to your nearest library, book store or even GOOGLE it. The possibilities are endless on google and you can find out pretty much anything you want through there.

I am in NO way a dietitian, trainer, or even weight loss expert. These tips and tricks are just what I have learned from taking care of an athlete and trying to help him stay on track. I am his wife so whatever I can do to make his life a little easier I try and do it.

I hope you enjoyed today's post! Feel free to ask me any questions!


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