Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our first sighting, an engagement and a scare!

Jess had to be at the field by 1:30 today and I had to run some errands so it worked out that I take him a little earlier than 1:30. As we pulled into the facility I noticed a cool little silver car that was about to pull out. I looked to see who was driving the car (I know it sounds weird now but I just wondered if a boy or a girl was driving the cool little car and the windows were rolled down so I knew I could get a really good look at this person) and do you know what? The person driving was Justin Verlander! Scream! Haha! I was like "look Jess, it's Verlander!" He was just as astonished as I was! It is still crazy to me that Jess is playing for the Detroit Organization and that amongst others Justin Verlander could be his teammate one day!

I am sure none of you will share our enthusiasm of this slight encounter but I just had to share! It is always exciting for us to see someone that is so talented and looked up to in the baseball world.

Jess will throw live batting practice tomorrow so stay tuned for an update on that!

In the non-baseball part of my life one of my Best Friends got engaged! I am super excited for her and can't wait to help her start planning! She met her now fiance about 5 years ago through E Harmony. She said last night that they talked about calling E Harmony so they could do a commercial about their love story. I for one am hoping they do so I can be an "extra" in it! Ha!

We will now go from happiness to scared shitless because yesterday my grandpa had a mild heart attack. He was taken to the hospital because he said his chest was hurting and upon arrival they told my mom he was having a heart attack. He was then care flighted to Dallas where he had surgery. My grandparents are bad diabetics and have a lot of complications due to the severity of their diabetes and their lack of taking care of themselves so it is a blessing he made it to the hospital in time to catch this before it was too late.

It has definitely been an eventful week for me and it's only Tuesday ;)

I hope the week is going good for y'all so far!


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