Thursday, June 27, 2013


Not much new news around here. I am patiently waiting on my family to arrive on Saturday so I've been checking things off my "hostess with the most-est" check list.

This post is about "Letters" so let's get to it!

Dear shopping habit,
Why must you kick in full force when Jess leaves on the road? I mean it is smart of you, seeing that I don't have to hide any new purchases I might make as soon as I get home. But, really? I don't need any more clothes (said no woman ever). What I really mean is I don't need anymore clothes here. I am going to have a hard enough time making everything fit as of now. Please subside, I am begging ;) (not really though)

Dear mom, dad, Kim and Tom,
Thank you for all that y'all do. Seriously, I can't say it enough. Y'all are taking the reigns for us while we are in season and we really appreciate it. I hope y'all feel the love I'm sending all the way from Ohio.

Dear Mackinaw Island Fudge,
Please don't do the whole "a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips" number on me. I am looking so forward to meeting you. Don't make me hate you.

Dear Humanity,
What is wrong with us? I can't turn on the news anymore without feeling devastated. I am so disappointed. Something has got to change.

Dear God,
I ask that you have mercy on us. Please be present in our lives and guide us all to live a life pleasing to you. Thank you for all of your blessings. I praise you for all of your glory.


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