Thursday, February 24, 2011

Busy Busy Week!

Since we arrived in Arizona we havent really had that busy of a schedule. We have a lot of down time to just do whatever and dont really have a schedule to follow. This week that changed and its been a nice change of pace. Monday I had a MicroEconomics Exam and we had Bible Study. Tuesday I had a lunch date, run errands and pay bills. Wednesday I had ladies Bible Study, Indians Wives Luncheon, grocery shopping and a couple more errands to run.

The ladies Bible Study we had yesterday was really nice, its a little bit more emotional and intimate than the couples study because its just about 8 women getting together to talk about what we cant with our husbands regarding their jobs. Women cry if they need to and are comfortable with it because its a safe outlet and at one point in time we have all been there and know how she feels. As any wife no matter what job your husband is employed in Im sure at times you worry. Well since Im a type A personality and a worry wort I tend to worry a little more. I actually used to believe that the GM's and Coaches have the final say to his fate and their is nothing him or I or anyone else can do about it. I learned with these past 2 studies this week that God is in control and everything is in his time. Seems like DUH! Right? When its a constant unknown its a little more complicated than that. Ultimately though Jess will be where he is supposed to be whether it be in Triple A or the Big Leagues because thats where God wants him to be. I know Jess gets up everyday and gives it his all and works his hardest and thats all that matters. I hope thru this study he sees thats all he can do and not be so hard on himself. Whats hardest on me is watching him go thru it, watching him be so disappointed in himself. When your an Athlete anything less than the NBA, NFL, NHL or MLB is a disappointment. High HIGH standards and nothing else but the highest level will do. So Im glad I have a outlet to go to and express how I feel with women who know EXACTLY how I feel. Its uplifting to be able to do that.

Right after Bible Study we had our Indians Wives Luncheon. It was held at a little cafe called Ground Control. Its specialty is Wine, Gelato and Coffee. They serve food too but thats what they are known for. It was nice to see everyone again and our team now has a ton of babies. When we joined the team there werent any! Our Luncheon just went over the key points of being in Cleveland when season starts, what charities we will help this year, monthly game get togethers and rules and regulations we are expected to abide by. Its just a fun way for us to become informed about what the year will hold. The guy that puts it all together is so good about taking care of us. He is always open to changing something if we dont like it or if it wont work for everyone. We really appreciate him because he does his job well and really gets things done.

When I left the luncheon I ran to the grocery store and then Jess texted me and said he was ready so I went to get him. I brought him back to the hotel then ran to Barnes and Noble to get us these books everyone has been talking about. They are The Power of the Praying Wife and the Power of the Praying Husband. I found the Wife one but they didnt carry the Husband one so I got him Heaven is for Real. Heaven is for Real is about a little boy's explanation of heaven after he died and came back to life. Apparently its and unbelievable read and is eye opening. When Jess is done reading it I plan on reading it too.

Jess will throw tomorrow in the inter squad game and he is so pumped and ready! Sunday is the actual start of games and the weather is supposed to be rainy and cold so we will see how that goes. One more day until the weekend! Hope yalls week has been a great one!

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