Monday, March 11, 2013

A Sincere Apology

I would just like to say that I am so sorry for not updating y'all in a while. We have been super busy and I have not had the time to sit down and write out a decent post. 

I don't like to post on here unless I really put some effort into it. 

With that said I will fill y'all in on what exactly we have been up to! Jess has been backing up in big league games and has backed up a total of 5 so far. He hasn't pitched in a game he has just been there on "standby" if need be. He did close the game against Western Michigan University they had last week and had 1 strikeout, 1 fly out and 1 ground out. He said he felt good and was happy to be out there. 

He has thrown bullpens and 1 live bp. As of now he will throw a bullpen tomorrow and back up on Thursday. He hopes to get more work in before season breaks but now that the rest of the minor league guys have reported he doesn't know exactly how things will go. 

This Spring Training has been a sporadic one. His schedule is never the same and I am always guessing how the day will go. 

We have gone to Bible Study the past two Sundays and have really enjoyed it. Like I have said before Jess only knew one guy on the team before reporting this spring, so we both thought Bible Study would provide us with friends that were a good influence and fun to be around.

This past Friday we went to Bucsh Gardens and spent the day there. That was a lot of fun but Tampa has very very very bad traffic so leaving was quite the chore!

I was pretty skeptical of the Kangaroo's and didn't want to get as close as Jess was to them.

Jess' favorite animals to look at were the alligators. He is so intrigued by them it is crazy! We walked over to them 3 times while we were there. He wanted to see them move so bad. We ended up staying there until 6 and then headed back to Lakeland. 

Throughout the day the cold that I was starting to get obviously got aggravated and I woke up Saturday morning with a head and chest full of congestion. Jess ended up being off that day so we headed back to Tampa to spend the day with Josh and his in-laws. 

Josh' mother in law rented a condo on Clearwater Beach for the month of March so we went and had brunch and then met them at the condo. The day ended up being a overcast chilly one so we decided to go bar hopping. We ran into a teammate Jess had last year that is now with the Toronto Blue Jays so that was a nice little surprise. 

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures that day but we hope to go back down there soon and spend some time with them. 

This week is going to be a busy one because I started a 7 week math class, I have a luncheon on Wednesday in Tampa, Jess is backing up on Thursday and we plan to see some old friends one night this week.

The great house hunt has began for Toledo and I am super stressed about that. Short term leasing is such a pain to deal with. You would think that after all these years I would be a pro at this. A new team brings a new city so I am trying to learn which areas are safe and what areas are not. There are only 19 days left of camp so I better figure something out soon ;)

I hope y'all forgive me for the lack of updates! We get up super early and go to bed super early as well so by 10 we have already hit the hay.

I hope Monday treated y'all well!


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